Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Day 81, July 30, 2014

Read:  3 Nephi 13-16
Mark:  3 Nephi 15:21, 24

"Aren't we rather prone to see the limitations and weaknesses of our neighbors?  Yet that is contrary to the teachings of the gospel of Jesus Christ...If we have the spirit of fault finding...that never comes as the result of the companionship of the Spirit of our Heavenly Father and is always harmful." --President George Albert Smith

To ponder:
The Savior gave teachings to the Nephites similar to the Sermon on the Mount.  He warned not to judge.  What helps you to always look for the best in others and not be critical?


  1. I love these chapters--they are simply amazing and provide a pattern for our daily lives. Especially meaningful to me in these chapters, is Chapter 14, where we are again reminded of the importance of building our homes upon the rock--the foundation of the Lord. In these scriptures it talks about the rain descending from above, then the floods came from below, the winds blew and beat from each side--but because the house was built upon the rock, it stood still. This is true in our lives as well--we will be tested and tried from above, below and all around us. If we build our lives soundly on the gospel of Jesus Christ, we will stand firm and Satan will not be able to get in--even a little bit.

    I love Chapter 15:24, Where we are told: Ye have both heard my voice and seen me, and ye are my sheep, and ye are numbered among those whom the Father hath given me.

  2. I think I like Sarah's way of doing things... it's less all-over-the-place than what I usually do, so I'm doing it her way!

    Chapter 13: Our actions must be pure. To quote Wicked (the musical), "Was I really seeking good, or just seeking attention?" Well, they have their reward, as God says! Like I said in my last post, it seems a bit contradictory to where he says to let your light shine so people can see your good works, but there is a HUGE difference in motives. So, basically just check yourself!

    FORGIVENESS. Pass it on. Or... FORGIVENESS. Isn't it about time?

    LOVE verses 21-22, and 24.

    Now, verses 25-34... these verses always stress me out because I ALWAYS have a plan. I like to plan everything out, have a schedule, make a budget (well, really more like keep track of what I spent... I rarely actually consider it when making purchases since I tend to be pretty frugal, LOL), confirm things with people, arrange for transportation, babysitting, etc, etc. LOVE me some PLANNING! So these verses stress me out. But God... how will I feed my family? How will I clothe them? Where will the money come from? I just want you to light up the entire straight and narrow path. Use streetlights. But alas. My other thought was that this seems ENTIRELY contradictory to the concept of food storage! LOL. But verse 33 reminds us that if we seek God first, everything else WILL fall into place, and that's the message. It isn't that we SHOULDN'T plan things out. It's just that God has to come first. SLOW DOWN. Take a breath. And let God handle it. That's a message JUST for me, there. I am the WORST at biting off more than I can chew and stressing about stuff that isn't even an issue yet (just ask Joseph).

    Chapter 14: SO many gems in this chapter! Don't judge... THAT can be a really hard one. I'm REALLY bad at it. I'm also really nosy. I just have to know why someone is doing something! I'm a psychology major for Pete's sake! I study human behavior! I have a shirt that says "You call it judging. We call it diagnosing." LOL. But I have been thinking of this a lot lately, because I notice a distinct difference in my spirit when I am judging someone harshly. It's not good. And it's something I'm trying very hard to work on, especially if someone's actions personally offend me or are detrimental or neglectful of someone else's welfare.

    And of course the beam and mote thing. SO true. We all have our own imperfections. We really need to be mindful that we are NOT perfect when giving out advice, as helpful as we may be trying to be (or not... some people just like to butt their heads in wherever).

    Verse 6--not throwing pearls among swine. This is what makes me scared sometimes to do missionary work. I don't want to muddy up spiritual things. But I think really it just means to keep the message simple. Don't go throwing out parts of your patriarchal blessing to someone who isn't close to you or doesn't really need to hear it.

    Verses 9-11--These are always so reassuring to me. Thanks for always having my back, HF! I won't touch on anything else. I'm way too wordy today.

    Chapter 15: Verse 21 is a given. That's just awesome. But mostly I find myself thinking while reading this chapter... WHO WAS CHRIST? I mean, we know who he is, but what does he think? What does he do? What's his favorite novel or story? I mean seriously. For whatever reason this chapter just makes me want to get to know him personally.

    1. Jenny, this is completely on another subject, but when you said you like to track what you spend, remind me sometime to tell you about the "Easy Envelope Budget Assistant"--it's a virtual envelope system that helps you to track everything you spend! We love it!

  3. Oh, I forgot to read Chapter 16: Really I just want to know, who else did he visit? It makes me want to go around looking for all the "white prophet" lore. I'm sure some of these "sheep" we don't even know about! I'm really REALLY curious to see how everything actually played out EVERYWHERE after we sit down for our big reunion in heaven.

    1. Me too! And, I want to ask about all the things that were so special, they could not be written! :)

  4. Chapter 13: So much is given here. I could (should!) spend a lifetime trying to understand these teachings by practicing them. The key is in the end when he directs us to seek first the kingdom of God. If we do this the other things will fall into place much more easily.

    Chapter 14: I too often focus on ways others can do better (like my husband :)) and counsel them convinced I'm doing right. Maybe I'm not doing a bad thing per se, but I'm probably in the wrong. I need to focus on loving - having charity - and correcting my own foolishnees. Those I love will naturally be lifted up with me.

    Ask & ye shall receive - make sure you're already doing what's been asked of you already or utilizing what has been given already or any new info will be slow in coming.

    Chapter 15: The ultimate sacrifice has been paid. Do not spend needless time suffering beyond your true repentance. Accept the Savior's atonement in your life. And allow it to expand to others insomuch that you cause no additional suffering by denying forgiveness.

    Sin keeps you from additional knowledge and truths. There is no bypassing a principle or truth. You can't say to Him - well I followed all your commandments except a couple - can't you give me the others I'm asking for? Maybe your understanding the one's you've avoided are the key to getting what you are asking for.

    Chapter 16: He offers so many opportunities to come back to him - trials, blessings, records kept, missionaries & chance after chance to repent. He really does love us. He will keep his own protected and will remember the covenants he has made. He will not rob justice nor the consequences of a person's own choices.
