Monday, July 21, 2014

Day 72, July 21, 2014

Read:  Helaman 8-10
Mark:  Helaman 8:4, 7-9

"How we respond to the words of a living prophet when he tells us what we need to know, but would rather not hear, is a test of our faithfulness." --President Ezra Taft Benson

To ponder:
Even though wicked men were arguing against Nephi, some righteous people knew he was a prophet and supported him.  How can you sustain our living prophet?


  1. Today's reading just made me think: How many signs can these people be given before they believe and are converted?

    Nephi is just plain amazing! He is so patient and just keeps on going! He gives the hymn: "Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel" a whole new meaning!

    These chapters are so interesting; it just makes me wish I had been there (as a secret bystander, of course, so I could just observe all that took place!). In Chapter 10, Nephi is taken by the Spirit and goes and preaches to the people and they still don't listen! What is it going to take for these people to believe? What does it take for us to believe?

    Can you imagine the Lord saying to you as He did to Nephi in Helaman 10:5: "And now because thou hast done this with such unwearyingness, behold, I will bless these forever..."? Wow! I want to follow the example of this Nephi!

    1. I'm glad you brought that last part up. It's really cool to see in the scriptures where someone has their calling and election made sure. It's not something God throws around to everyone. He literally gave Nephi the power to do ANYTHING he desired. And he did this because he knew that Nephi would never do anything contrary to his will. How wonderful and amazing!

  2. Wow, "No comments" is never something I've seen on a day-old post! I guess yesterday was a crazy day for everyone else, too! Seriously... my day was just one thing after another, LOL...

    There are many ways to sustain our living prophet, but the most important and best way is to follow him! The prophet leads us. He will not go against God's will. God would never allow for a prophet to lead us astray. As we follow the teachings of our prophets we will be blessed in a myriad of ways.

    Also, another way to sustain our prophet is to support his decisions. Don't go around saying that he's misguided, shady, or old, or whatnot. Not that I've ever really heard anyone say any of this! But, for instance, our presidents of our country are rarely supported. I guess what comes most to mind in this regard is like with the pioneers how many people did not sustain the prophet in his decision to move West. Also, I can think of today how there are members who may be continually pushing for gay rights or for women to have the priesthood within the church. And while petitioning for these things is certainly their right, I think they forget that this isn't a democracy--it's God's church and he will not change His laws until (or UNLESS) he sees fit. We must be careful not to let our desires, however passionately we may feel towards them, to cloud our eternal judgement. Asking President Monson a sincere and honest question about something that concerns you is vastly different from slamming church headquarters with thousands of signatures of women who want the priesthood (which, and hopefully this doesn't offend anyone, sounds to me like a big ol' power-trip and pride issue). President Monson doesn't make the decisions--GOD DOES!!! That's all there is to it.

    1. Holy cow... right after I posted this the comments from yesterday showed up. WEIRD! That's so crazy. That's the first time that's ever happened! Well, disregard my entire first paragraph! LOL. I was worried when I got on here and didn't see any posts!

  3. Helaman 8: Stand up for others when it is the unpopular thing. At least listen. Allow yourself to recognize truth. Once recognized do not forget that you know it and are accountable for that knowledge (maybe that's why we sometimes don't listen??). There will be no excuse for denying what you do know. I love that the people who were part of this wicked city over whom Nephi was lamenting and condemning had several among them who were not so far gone as to ignore what he said or allow him to be beaten and taken away prisoner just for speaking. Too often we let leaders and doctrine be criticized because "everyone is entitled to their own beliefs" or " one day they'll figure it out" or "I'm too scared to testify" - we get in our own way and the way of the Lord. We must be bold and be willing to stand up for the Lord's servants. Testify of their calling, of their stewardship and help them to be heard honestly and openly.

    Helaman 9: Do not be so stubborn as to deny evidence that is right in front of you. And when you find you believe a bit - for you will believe truth if you are at all open to it - do not stop halfway - let yourself explore all the regions of truth available to you.

    Helaman 10: When God prompts you to do something you don't always get a moment to think about it. Know God well enough to know when it is He that is prompting. Love God enough to do first and ponder later.
