Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Day 53, July 2, 2014

Read:  Alma 32-33
Mark:  Alma 32:21

"Of all our needs, I think the greatest is an increase of faith." --President Gordon B. Hinckley

To ponder:
How often do you exercise faith?  What difference can 'a particle of faith' make in our actions?  (see Matthew 17:20)


  1. I love the scriptures! I love Alma 33:14, where Alma asks: "Have ye read the scriptures? And, if ye have, how ye disbelieve on the Son of God?" That kind of says it all, doesn't it?! :)

    And I also love Alma 33:23, Alma continues speaking to the people and says: "I desire that ye shall plant this word in your hearts, and as it beginneth to swell even so nourish it by your faith. And behold, it will become a tree, springing up in you unto everlasting life. And then may God grant unto you that your burdens may be light, through the joy of his Son. And even all this ye can do if ye will."

    I hope that is what I am accomplishing each and every day as I read; that I am nourishing my faith by planting the teachings and thoughts of the scriptures in my heart so that I can apply them daily and share them with those around me who want to hear.

    I know that I have not ever understood all of the many wonderful things that Alma and the sons of Mosiah did throughout their life; I'm just beginning to get a glimpse of their great work.

    1. I really appreciate these seed references so much more after gardening.

  2. Chapter 32: There is no set place or time for praying personal prayers to the Lord. He is available to us wherever we are and whenever we turn to Him. It is best to be able to humble yourself without persuasion, but even being made humble is better than never being humble. When we are ridiculed or criticized we should not retaliate in kind, but we should consider what had been said and see if any of it is true and what can be done to improve.

    It is not enough to accept the gospel. We must nourish it in our hearts continuously. Then we shall reap the rewards of your faith, diligence, and patience.

    Chapter 33: Too often we think of prayer as a chore. While it is a commandment and it is work, it is alsoa mercy. We get to talk to our Heavenly Father we have an opportunity to verbalize our gratitude, worries, fears, desires and commitment directly to Him! We should think of prayer more often as a mercy and stop taking it for granted!

    Everything I do has some degree of faith in it. I have faith that all my efforts to be better than I amwill be enough even though I fail much of the time.

  3. Faith makes all the difference! We're eternally tuned to know that there's MORE than what we see in front of us. Innately we all know that there's more to this life than just being born, living, and dying. We know, deep down, that something happens after death. We know, deep down, that we all came from SOMEWHERE. Having faith in this gospel, having faith that families really are eternal, that Christ really DID atone for our sins, that we really WILL rise again to be reunited with God in heaven makes a big difference to human behavior. Look at the actions of those who do NOT have faith. Those without faith of anything more to this life have no reason to abide by the laws of God or man. They steal without thought or need, kill without remorse or reason, and live out their lives based only on their own carnal whims.

    My favorite scripture from this reading is probably Alma 32:19. I have written in my scriptures that this is the reason for faith, and it makes even more sense if you read from verse 15 through 21. It says, "And now, how much more cursed is he that knoweth the will of God and doeth it not, than he that only believeth, or only hath cause to believe, and falleth into transgression?" Faith is our SAFEGUARD. God does not reveal himself in absolute "proof" because he loves us. There is NO power, even the atonement, that can save a person who has denied any part of the Godhead after having a sure knowledge. This level of sin is perdition and irrevocably punishable by being cast into outer darkness. To protect his children, in his infinite mercy, God has hidden from us so that we may work in faith, not an absolute surety, so that when we falter we at least have the excuse that we don't actually KNOW what we're doing with 100% accuracy and knowledge. This IS the reason for faith! Faith is love, both ways. It makes so much more sense why God works this way after reading this scripture, and it definitely increases MY faith!
