Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Day 66, July 15, 2014

Read:  Alma 60-61
Mark:  Alma 60:20

"When you look in the dictionary for the most important word, do you know what it is?  It could be remember...our greatest need is to remember." -- President Spencer W. Kimball

"Satan wants us to be slow to remember what we have received and heard.  He wants us to minimize and even forget the quiet witnesses of the Spirit that have told us who we really are." -- Sister Susan L. Warner

To ponder:
What helps you to not forget the spiritual experiences you've had?


  1. So tonight we found out why Moroni and the armies of Helaman had not been sent the provisions they so needed! Pahoran has remained faithful but has been forced to flee and could not help! I'm so glad that Pahoran was not offended by Moroni's strongly worded epistle; Pahoran understood Moroni's frustrations and was thankful to hear from him. We must be careful not to judge until we fully understand.

    I do love Alma 60:23, where we learn the importance of cleaning our inward vessel before we are able to cleanse our outward vessel. In other words, we must be pure and clean on the inside all the way to the outside.

    I can't help think as I read about these epistles being sent back and forth of how thankful I am for text messaging and email! :)

    1. Yes! Me too! LOL... how much easier would it be to be able to text Pahoran "What's up? We need reinforcements!", and him reply, "Can't talk--being overthrown. Send help!"

    2. Jenny, too funny! Thanks for starting my day with a smile! Have a great Wednesday!

  2. Building your testimony by helping others, praying, reading your scriptures, and attending church all remind you and add to the spiritual experiences in your life.
    I have never been much of a war movie/story fan. But I am so loving this part of the reading. Moroni is such an amazing warrior. He is like the Mormon male Athena! I am in awe of his faith and his strength. I picture him like a gladiator. I agree, I will definitely look at the statue of Moroni very differently. I would have loved to fight by his side.

  3. As I was reading today I came across a couple of verses that I thought would be good verses for soldiers. Alma 60:28 and Alma 60:36. Moroni was definitely a warrior! I know he preferred peace, but he was a DANG good military captain!

    I really like that he brought up, in verse 23, cleansing the vessels (outward and inward). I also really liked verses 20-21. It's so important to remember what God has done for us. It's also important to remember that we have to "make use of the means which the Lord has provided" (verse 21).

    I love Alma 61:9. This scripture, to me, is such an excellent example of a good, righteous leader. Pahoran isn't angry with Moroni, but is understanding and joyful, even, because of Moroni's righteousness and zeal. I think it was reassuring to Pahoran to know that someone like Moroni was on his side--the side of freedom and righteousness. It MUST have been great to read that letter after so much fighting against freedom within his city. I especially love the end of the verse where he says, "My soul standeth fast in that liberty in the which God hath made us free." How beautiful is that?

    These two chapters have made me feel rather patriotic. I wish our leaders were righteous like this. I don't have much faith in many politicians. They pretty much only care about themselves. Sure, they say pretty words to get votes, but they aren't committed to a cause of freedom, and certainly not righteousness! What would it be like to have more men like Pahoran and Moroni as our leaders? I won't go on too big of a political shpeel on here, but I'd love to see our government be more like this. :)

  4. Chapter 60: Don't assume for too long - you'll only grow more frustrated and for less and less reason to be so frustrated! Reach out to the source of your frustration. Ask your questions, and explain your situation and where you stand.

    Chapter 61: (I love Pahoran!) Don't judge until you have all the facts!

    Respond to misjudged anger and accusations with calm and peace. Find hope even in the misguided insult. Respond showing your faith in the other person! If they really are wrong in any accusations, but they would have been right in their anger if their accusations were right, be encouraging in their feelings towards anyone else who those accusations might fit.
