Saturday, July 26, 2014

Day 77, July 26, 2014

Read:  3 Nephi 6-8
Mark:  3 Nephi 6:12-14

"I testify that no one of us is less treasured or cherished of God than another.  I testify that He loves each of us--insecurities, anxieties, self-image, and all.  He doesn't measure our talents or our looks; He doesn't measure our possessions.  He cheers on every runner, calling out that the race is against sin, not against each other." --Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

To ponder:
Why is pride "the great stumbling block of Zion"?  What can help you be more humble?


  1. IUPUI has a fairly new branding slogan: What matters; Where it matters. I could not help but think of this as I read through these chapters. We need to be doing what matters: Sharing the gospel with those around us, living the commandments the very best that we can, repenting, humbling ourselves and always moving forward. We need to do this where it matters, which is everywhere, not just when it's convenient or comfortable, but everywhere we go.

    In Chapter 8, the people would cry out: O that we had repented... The Lord gives lots of time for us to repent and to prove ourselves worthy; it's not like one day we learn of the commandments and then the next moment our time is up (well, it could be, but I hope you know what I mean!). The Lord is patient and kind, He loves each one of us, and wants us to be happy and return to Him. We cannot procrastinate the day of our repentance. The time is now. From time to time, I have heard others say: "The Lord knows what's in my heart"--as a justification for sin. This is just plain wrong. The Lord does know what is in our hearts, and He expects us to do and act on what is in our hearts.

    Pride is scary. We gain a little riches or knowledge or whatever it might be, and we become puffed up in our pride, thinking we've got it all! We must remember to thank the Lord in all things and to always give credit where credit is due.

    These scriptures are somewhat alarming to me as the times that are written about feel so similar to what we see in the world each day right now. We see rankings by classes and money, we see wars so that groups can gain more land and more power, we see individuals blinded by Satan and following bad paths.

    What can we do? Stay close to the Lord! And keep singing the wonderful hymn: "Do What is Right"!

  2. Oh how I LOVE Elder Holland's quote for today! It's something I have to remind myself of. A lot. A LOT alotalotalotalot. It's so easy to compare ourselves, isn't it? But that isn't what it's really all about.

    As I read chapter 6 I couldn't help but notice how starkly different everyone was. These people were prideful, these people were humble, these people fell away, these Lamanite converts were firm and steadfast.

    As the reading continued through chapters 7 and 8 I was just sad at the divisions and separations, and then the calamities that occurred as signs of Christ's death. It's such a shame that so many cities were destroyed due to their sins. And, as Patti mentioned, these people wished so desperately that they had listened to the prophets! I would NOT want to be one of the people destroyed for wickedness! It really brings home again what Elder Holland said in his quote--the race is against sin, not each other! So many of the people who fell did so because they were fighting against each other. They cared more about being better than their neighbors and friends than they did about being better people and coming closer to God. I think we all suffer from this sometimes, but life is SO much better when we learn to lift one another's burdens instead of adding on pounds!

  3. Chapter 6: They forgave and set the robbers up for success by giving them land work on. so forgiving provide that what she can to help the repentant live better. Don't do all the work for them help them be independent.

    Nothing hinders their prosperity except they should fall into transgression.

    Chapter 7: Dividing up to satisfy each individuals whims well only weaken the people. Unity - embrace the knowledge that you've been given and come together to strengthen one another. Stoning the servants of God only ensures their reward in heaven and your own misery and then another servant will come!

    Chapter 8: even the earth that has not sinned must completely change to ready itself for Christ's first coming. To be ready for his 2nd I must undergo a very real and complete change. At some points during this change I will feel close to destruction turmoil but then I must continue. Only then will I be able to say: I'm on the right path and with the atonement - it is enough.
