Monday, July 14, 2014

Day 65, July 14, 2014

Read:  Alma 57-59
Mark:  Alma 57:27, 58:11-12

"He whose name this church bears has promised that He will be in our minds, lead us along, and even fight our battles.  He has further counseled, 'Be not afraid of your enemies, for I have decreed in my heart...that I will prove you in all things, whether you will abide in my covenant, even unto death, that you may be found worthy' (D&C 98:14)." -- Elder Neal A. Maxwell

To ponder:
How can the Lord help you overcome fear?


  1. I love the scriptures that we've been asked to mark today! I want to share some of my thoughts about them and one other verse I like.

    Alma 57:21--Helaman's army obeyed and performed every word of command with exactness. How important is obedience? God gives us commandments because he knows that if we follow them we will be blessed. We can be "firm and undaunted (verse 20)" like Helaman's army if we are obedient with exactness.

    Alma 57:27--"...their minds are firm, and they do put their trust in God continually." What have we to fear when we trust in God? Of COURSE we'll still have trials, but we don't need to be afraid because we know that if we prepare and are faithful, God will provide for us.

    Alma 58:11-12--God spoke/granted three things to them: peace, faith, and hope. There is GREAT power in faith, and faith coupled with hope can move mountains. The peace, to me, is the greatest blessing. because how hard would it be to have peace during that war?! We make much better decisions when we are at peace than when our souls are filled with turmoil. What might seem like a small blessing is actually probably the greatest gift he could bestow to them. In verse 12 I made a comparison to real life. Sometimes the blessings we receive seem like a "small force" to work with, but we can take courage in knowing that what we've been provided with is adequate for our needs. We can have a determination to conquer Satan.

    I'd say more, but I've got to wrangle me some kiddos right now. :) Hopefully God can bless me with some peace today! LOL.

  2. Jenny, yes, there is incredible power in peace, faith and hope! Love your thoughts!

  3. I couldn't help as I read tonight to be excited for the armies of Helaman and their triumphs! They followed the word of God, they lived the commandments and they were blessed for doing so. We can receive these same blessings as well. Hopefully, we will not be fighting in wars to do so! However, some days it certainly feels that way!

    I was so sad to learn that the government was not supporting the armies of Helaman! Why not? I hope we find out soon!

    I love the motto we find in Alma 58:12: ...we did take courage...and were fixed with a determination to conquer our enemies, our lands, our possessions, and our wives and our children, and the cause of our liberty! What great words to live by! We need to have this kind of courage and determination!

    And my final thought is found in Alma 58:40, where it says: ..and they are strict to remember the Lord their God from day to day, yea they do observe to keep his statutes, and his judgments, and his commandments continually, and their faith is strong in the prophecies concerning that which is to come! These chapters provide a whole new meaning to the song "The Armies of Helaman"!!!!

    1. I know what you mean, Patti! I sat down at the piano today and played that song "We'll Bring the World His Truth" and just felt the spirit so strongly. I've always loved that song, but reading these scriptures has helped me to appreciate more fully the reference to the army of Helaman in that song. What AMAZING young men they were! I really would love to get that song sung in sacrament meeting sometime in the near future... I was looking at it just thinking about how I might be able to arrange it for the choir. :)

  4. As you pray the Holy Spirit becomes stronger. As you obey God's commandments your blessings come. Your faith in God grows. As your faith grows it weeds out the fear. More faith brings less fear.

  5. Angela, this is me hitting the double double "like" button! :)

  6. Chapter 57: By small things great things come to pass.
    Stay firm in the faith in a just God.

    Chapter 58. Those who are righteous will be protected. This doesn't mean the righteous will never be wounded or struggle. It just means we can always be sure in our standing with God and our eternal inheritance.

    Chapter 59: We are most shocked by the fall of the people close to us. Don't let that shock & hurt drive your actions. Discover what is really happening and love above all things. Testify and lead by a good example.
