Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Day 59, July 8, 2014

Read:  Alma 44-46
Mark:  Alma 46:12

"The value of a country rests upon the values of its people.  For the people of God, for the people who want peace, for their women and their children, there is only one way." --Elder Charles Didier

To ponder:
Why do the wicked go to war?  How are their motives different from the reasons why the righteous go to war?


  1. Oh my goodness! There is nothing so pointless as war. I hate war! And the righteous hate war but understand that they must stand up and fight for freedom and peace. I hate that all countries and nations are divided. I think it's stupid. We're all humans. We're all people. Does it really matter where we come from? Why do we have government secrets? Why don't we share our technologies and advances with all the other countries? Why do third world countries still even exist given the advancements we've made? What makes one nation think it's better than another? I just don't get why all the different countries can't just get along. But alas...

    The wicked go to war for power, greed, and thirst for blood. Hatred is their greatest motivation. The righteous will fight to defend themselves or for others who cannot fight their own battles (such as the Nephites did for the Anti-Nephi-Lehites, or people of Ammon). I think of the Holocaust and the Rwandan genocide... so many lives lost! And for what? Racism. Hatred. Envy. It's so pointless! But I absolutely love the title of liberty. Can't you just imagine being there? I can picture Moroni ripping apart his coat and hoisting it up with the words written upon it, to become the standard of liberty among his people. I can hear his words and feel their power. As I watch TJ waddle over to me with a big smile on his face, I know that I would gladly go to battle to defend him and the rest of my family. Peace is obviously our desire, but sometimes battles must be fought for the right to be at peace. Again... why can't we all just get along?

  2. Yes, Jenny, I was also picturing in my mind what it looked like to see Moroni tear off his coat and write on what we now call the "Title of Liberty"--and then he made sure that the title was placed on towers all over the place!!! I love this! What a sign and symbol for all of these people to look towards!

    ...Yikes!!!! Moroni didn't mess around! The Amalickiahites who would not enter into the covenant were quite simply put to death! I don't want to even imagine how they did this!

    And then we have Alma simply gone! I love this! I truly believe the Lord simply took him home to his reward!

    In response to today's question, the wicked go to war for power and due to hatred; the righteous go to war to protect their freedoms. So sad that this is the way we have to work things out...

  3. The wicked go to war for their own selfish reasons; greed, wealth, status, self gratification. The righteous go to war for others. They fight for freedom, safety, and Heavenly Father.
    As LDS members we fight everyday to not become of this world, but to be examples of goodness and Christ-like attributes. It's important to do a reality self check every once in awhile to make sure you haven't lost site of your journeys path.

  4. Chapter 44: Moroni offers the Lamanites peace if htey will but covenant for peace. They are being slaughtered so this offer is a mercy, but they reject the covenant. They think they will be able to get stronger, prepare themselves better with their own learnings and wisdom. They blind themselves from the strength of God that stands before them. They underestimate His power to help His people. Do not underestimate His willingness to make His servants successful.

    Chapter 45: Believe the word, believe in Christ + Keep the commandmens = success & propersity!

    The belief he talks about is tangible. Words or belief in the in the idea is not enough. Your actions should speak of your belief.

    Chapter 46: Do I forget my blessings so quickly? Do I focus too much on what I do not have? What can I do to shift my focus?
    Prioritize right and prioritize once. Never forget my purpose! Have enough faith in my capability to make the right choice that I offer myself up to destruction if I stray or turn away from righteousness. Live in usch a way that when death comes I will leave rejoicing!
