Get back on schedule! Use your reading chart (or this blog) to find the chapters you still need to read to be caught up through: Alma 41
If you are up-to-date with your reading, take time to study Alma 32.
To ponder:
To what does Alma liken the seed? Why is faith important for the seed to grow? How can you know if it is a good seed?
Reading and thinking about Alma 32 this morning makes me think about the tomato plants we recently planted. One of the plants my neighbor bought for me and said, "These are the best tomatoes ever!" We have taken very good care of this tomato plant. We bought a special, huge pot for it, filled it with the best vegetable-flower potting mix, and we have some special organic fertilizer for the plant. It is on our deck in a prominent spot where it receives just the right amount of sunlight and warmth. This plant is now over 6 feet tall and is just beginning to bring forth its fruit.
ReplyDeleteIn comparison, three other tomato plants were planted a long the backside of our house in the 'regular' dirt. One is kind of doing well because it's right on the corner of the house and gets almost enough sunlight; two others have barely even grown a foot! They are scraggly and you would almost think they are weeds.
Three more surround our square foot garden and receive a bit more sun, water and fertilizer. (We are fertilizing all of the tomato plans with the wonderful organic fertilizer.) The ones around are garden are doing pretty well--but nothing like the 'special' tomato plant which has been fed and nourished daily with our care and the sun!
Isn't this the same as our faith? Sometimes we go along and just kind of nourish our faith--we attend our meetings, we kind of do our callings, we pray when it's convenient, we follow the commandments pretty much, and we end up kind of like my three tomato plants--a bit scraggly.
Or, we can nourish our faith daily! We can be excited about the gospel; be excited about serving and reading and studying the scriptures! We can go the extra mile in fulfilling our callings--no matter what calling we may have! We can more fully live the commandments and we can be a little better, love a little more, and be a little kinder each and every day! The secret is nourishing our faith so that it will continue to grow!
I just wanted to let you know Patti that I am caught up and doing this with you guys! I am sorry I haven't visited the blog enough! You are awesome. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing the above story and your testimony! Amen!! We should be excited about the fruit we are bearing - happiness in life now and for eternity.
I'm trying!