Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Day 67, July 15, 2014

Read:  Alma 62-63
Mark:  Alma 62:41

"These people all had basically the same experience.  The war was the same length for all people; yet out of the same experience some were hardened and some were softened.  What made the difference?  It was what they thought of God and His Son." --C. Max Caldwell

To ponder:
When you experience trials, do you feel your heart is hardened or softened?  What can you do to improve your thoughts of Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ?  How do you think this will help to soften your heart?


  1. By the time we get to Alma 62:41, there has been war for at least 13 years. Can you imagine? And this is like, full-on war. Not "war" like we see it here in the states where our soldiers go overseas and we just hear stories from time to time. This was up-close, personal, battles in your back yard and watch all your friends be taken prisoner kind of war. But this verse bring a lot of thoughts to mind. Trials will either harden us or soften our hearts--WE get to choose which. Faith in God and Jesus Christ will give us the peace we need to continue. I would rather have my heart softened than hardened any day. This is definitely the path that I personally choose during trials. I have to--I can't stand the way it feels to have a hard heart.

    Just look at what happened to Teancum. He was a good man and a great warrior, and good friends with Moroni. But he let his heart be hardened. He was "exceedingly angry" and "in his anger" went in to kill Ammoron (Alma 62:35-36). Now, Ammoron did deserve death, however, Teancum acted in anger and haste. That wasn't the time, place, or way to deal with it. And thus we see that you shouldn't be hasty to act when you're angry. You should always be calm and in a firm state of mind before doing something, so that you don't have any regrets (or in Teancum's situation, death). How often do we open our mouths and say something to someone we regret because we're angry or tired when we're talking to them? Same thing.

    Alma 63:5-9 is really interesting to me. Where did these people go? Who did they become? Why did they leave? What happened to them? We're not 100% certain of the geography of the Book of Mormon. We don't know for sure, or even halfway for sure, where all these battles took place. We don't know where the Lamanites and Nephites settled. But I do wonder if this was the Lord's way of preserving a branch of people. Where these perhaps some of our Native Americans or Inuits? I don't know how far "northward" they traveled! I am SO curious, though!!!

    And so we're done with Alma. Incredible. It's my new favorite book in the Book of Mormon. But they're all pretty amazing... Alma has definitely taken a new spot in my heart, though!

    1. I agree, Jenny, Alma is my new favorite book in the Book of Mormon!

  2. It is fascinating to me how Alma is mostly about war yet it shows so much compassion, love, faith and endurance that it is a very uplifting book. I was disappointed that Moroni dies as well as Teancum. It's funny bc DUH they are going to die. I was so disappointed when Nephi died! I love their lives. I love how much they are like us. It is so easy to think I am the only one who is going through this or no one could possibly understand what I am dealing with. HELLO! Obviously, that's untrue. Before the digital age, before Christ, they were dealing with family and friend drama. They were dealing with being shunned for their faith. They were being bullied for sharing their beliefs. It is a true eye opener. So much to learn!

    1. Angela, I was thinking the exact same thing! I was so sad when Alma died (or did he, he seemed to just walk off into the mountains and was never seen again!!!), but when we get to the end of Alma, and Helaman dies and then Moroni dies too! No!!! They just can't die!

  3. Today has been such a long and difficult day! Problems with an employee at work who I now have to start 'progressive discipline' on, and then a grandchild with head lice (and her mom is out of town!), but my son was doing a great job by the time I got there and had it all under control! So as I read tonight, I didn't start with the best attitude, I was reading just to be reading....

    But as I read, I felt the Spirit come over me, and it felt good to know I was doing the right thing and what I needed to do. The Spirit definitely softens my heart. As Jenny already so wonderfully wrote about the hardships of war and the things these good people must have lived through, it makes my day seem pretty lame!

    I love the Book of Mormon stories. I love the examples of love, faith, strength and courage that we have been reading about every single day. I love that our heroes--Alma, Moroni, Helaman and others--were firm and steadfast in standing for what is right and fighting for their liberties, but their hearts remained soft.

    I do have to admit that when I am faced with a difficult trial, often it seems that my heart is hardened at first and it seems like it takes me a day or two to stop being angry about whatever has happened, and then might heart softens and I turn to the Lord for peace, comfort and answers.

  4. We sure marched through Alma, didn't we???

  5. Just filled in days 59 through 62...I'm marching in the rear apparently :) I'm reading every day but not always more than one chapter. I'll get caught up again soon - but I am making comments every post (not always responding to questions though....

  6. So very glad you are still marching with us! :)

  7. Chapter 62. Moroni never apologizes for the things he implied of Pahoran - not verbally, but he shows his love and understanding very clearly in his actions. Be so quick to recognize truth and aid your friends in every good cause!

    Intentions and state of mind matter. Teancum does the same thing he had done once before successfully - he sneaks into enemy camps to kill the leader. This time he goes in anger and is hasty and loses his life. The same action in one context can be right and in another context wrong. Go with the Lord and never on your own.

    Chapter 63: I want people to say of me when I die that I stood right before God. What's more important though is that the statement be TRUE whether it is spoken or not!
