Thursday, July 17, 2014

Day 68, July 17, 2014

Read:  Helaman 1-3
Mark:  Helaman 3:35

"If Satan can succeed in creating in us the pastime of arguing, quarreling, and contention, it is easier for him to bind us with heavier sins which can destroy our eternal lives." --Elder Marvin J. Ashton

To ponder:
How can you avoid contention in your family and other relationships?


  1. As I read today I couldn't help but notice the important theme of pride and the contention and problems it caused (and causes today). We are forever warned by today's prophets as well as the prophets of old: Beware of pride! Pride can be found in much more than just money and 'things,' it can be found in attitudes and behavior. Beware of Pride!

    About these chapters, President Ezra Taft Benson said the following: "From the Book of Mormon we see the evils of secret combinations portrayed in graphic and chilling reality...secret combinations flourished because, as Helaman tells us, the Gadianton robbers 'had seduced the more part of the righteous until they had come down to believe their words and partake of their spoils...In the Book of Mormon, however, we find 'the power to avoid deception." Just as with pride, we must be aware of secret combinations. Are they real in today's society? Of course! They may be more subtle but they are all around us--in the TV shows that are available to us, through the internet, through groups we might think we want to belong to. We have to remember President Benson's words that: In the Book of Mormon we find the power to avoid deception. We must be aware!

    We finish today's reading with Helaman 3:35, where we are reminded to yield our hearts to God; it is through doing this, that we become closer to the Spirit. How do we do this? Through prayer, fasting, standing strong for what is right. We can do this every single day!

    1. What a great quote from President Benson!!! Triple "like"! Yes--there is so much out there to influence us. Satan is VERY good at what he does. He's had millenia to perfect his craft and has a memory of eternity, so he isn't boggled down the way we are. We MUST be on our guard! I've found myself much better able to keep my head on straight during this challenge. The Book of Mormon is so incredible!

  2. I think contention is easy within families. Everyone knows how to rile each other up. The key is in good parenting and discipline. Parents have to teach their kids to respect each other and to respect God. As Christ becomes the center of our homes and hearts, contention CAN'T reside there. Of COURSE there will still be frustrations, arguments, and spats, but nothing so serious that an apology and ice cream can't fix it. Christ heals all, even before it NEEDS healed. In Helaman 3:35 it says that they made that turnaround for the better because they "yield[ed] their hearts unto God." That's what we need to take from this!

    Something else that stuck out to me was in Helaman 1:32. "And thus has Coriantumr plunged the Lamanites into the midst of the Nephites, insomuch that they were in the power of the Nephites..." I underlined the word "plunged" and wrote, "How often do I think things through before I act? How has that affected me? How can I be better?" I think we all have a tendency to plunge. Okay... I'm a mother of very tiny people (age 3 and age 18 mo., plus babysitting my 11 mo. old nephew)--I KNOW that it's human nature to "plunge" into a situation without much thought! But something I know that my tiny people don't is that there's a better way. Something God knows that WE don't is that there are better ways. God has shown us a more excellent way to do things and has explained these things to us through modern revelation, prophets, scriptures, doctrines, teachers, leaders, etc. If we stop the "plunge" and start thinking eternally more often, we'll all be better off! I think this applies to the thought question of today, as well.

    SO, in summary, to avoid contention in our families we yield our hearts to God and avoid plunging into stupid situations. :)

  3. Helaman 1: What drives a man to turn his back to a brother because the brother has a victory to the point of allowing someone to kill him? What drives a whole people to attack again and again without being provoked except by a history? These people are not inherently evil. Surely they thought what they were doing was justified. Do not grow so sure of yourself that you become blind to foolish motivations. Sometimes the enemy is able to attack us at our core. It may be a painful process, but it is still possible to defeat him. Do not give up. Attack him back from all sides and take back your center.

    chapt 2: What a brave servant to play the deceiver and kill the murderer of two judges and would-be murderer of Helaman! I hope I can be brave enough to know what needs to be done & then to do it!

    Helaman 3: Don't murmur without being willing to offer and listen to potential solutions. Don't complain without being willing to be part of the solution. If you don't have what you're used to - figure out how to utilize what you do hae. If you can't do what you need to in the same place as usual - go! grow! learn! explore! progress!

    At face value waxing stronger in humility would not seem like it would equate to joy, but humility cannot be understood at face value. Humility is something that grows & exists at ones core and true joy exists where it is cultivated. You begin to naturally focus on what matters, comprehend what is not in your hands but already taken care of and resist any preoccupation of things that have no real value. You learn to stop placing worth where there is none. This is joy!
