Saturday, July 12, 2014

Day 63, July 12, 2014

Read:  Alma 55-56
Mark:  Alma 56:47-48

"We need more mothers who know the truth, whose children do not doubt their mothers know it." --Elder Neal A. Maxwell

To ponder:
What important lessons have you learned from your mother?


  1. These are such an amazing two chapters--especially Alma 56 and the story of the 2000 stripling warriors and their faith and courage. Their mothers taught them well to trust in the Lord and to have faith; we can follow this example.

    As I have read through these chapters over the past week or so, I have been impressed by the strategies of war for those times. I wonder how long it took for an epistle to go back and forth between the writers? And, I wonder what all occurred while the epistles were being delivered? (Not quite the same timeframe as we so readily assume is possible with email!)

    I also have thought a lot about alcohol and it's results. It seems that wine was huge in the days of Moroni. Much like today, look at all the people who died and have died as a consequence of their drunkenness. I understand that Moroni was able to use alcohol to his advantage to have the Nephite prisoners freed, but I know that this is also the exception to the use of alcohol.

    Happy Reading, Dear Sisters!

  2. Oh how I desire to be a mother who knows!!!! I want so badly to be as righteously influential in my children's lives as the stripling warriors mothers were for them! I just want to go back in time to talk with these beautiful, amazing women and get their advice. I especially love these verses, Alma 56:45-48 because women are so seldom ever talked about in the scriptures that I love to see how they influenced events when they are mentioned. Because this wasn't just one woman. These were probably at least 500 different women who birthed and raised these amazing young men. AT LEAST. So like, with just this one verse (48) we see 2000 shout-outs to some amazingly remarkable women. WOW. I've always wanted to know more about the women of the scriptures, especially because we know how cool Moroni is, I wonder how cool his WIFE must have been! It just... agh! It makes me so giddy and excited! I want to be so amazing that my kids are forever impacted for the better and have that unshakable faith in God and Christ.

    I just loved reading Helaman's letter. I love that he calls them his sons, and they call him their Father. So much LOVE! Love does so much. I can't even begin to go into how important love is. And it's so amazing that not one of those young men died. What incredible faith and "miraculous strength"! (verse 56). And I love the very end where he calls them "my stripling Ammonites" (verse 57). To me it just seems so endearing.

    If you have a chance go back and read my posts I put out for the last 3-4 days (starting with day 60, July 9). I think you'll find them interesting. I got a LOT out of these last few readings!!! I was so incredibly captivated and lost in the scriptures in a way that I have never been before. I think Alma is my new favorite book of the Book of Mormon.

    1. Jenny, I can feel your enthusiasm in your words! Yes, wouldn't it be wonderful to talk to the mothers of the striping warriors as well as each one of the stripling warriors? I would love to hear from these young men as to what their mothers did or said or taught (or all 3 of course) that instilled such faith in them!

      You are a wonderful mother and daughter of God and already well on your way to teaching your sweet children the things they need to know!

      I will definitely go back and read your posts for the past week or so!



  3. My mother told me that you want for your kids what you feel you went without growing up. I learned that my daughter will never doubt how much she is loved and how unconditional that love is for her. How important it is to listen and really hear what your kids are saying. How important time is rather than money. That she knows I will always have her back.
    Those have the best things I have learned. All of which I didn't get growing up.

  4. Chapter 55: Know when you're in the wrong. Take a beat when confronted with a choice. Make no immediate answer for new situations and choices you've never contemplated before and make the necessary considerations. Ammoron had no room to negotiate yet his pride got in the way & he lost his only bargaining chip. He lost even his own freedom.

    Don't fall for your own tricks!

    Chapter 56: Only fight when you have to. Do not be fooled into thinking that running from confrontation, or being protected/supported by others makes you weak. As long as you remain ready for when you MUST fight you will be strong and capable. As long as you avoid fighting and contention when you can, you will be on the Lord's side and then you cannot lose.

    I've only learned from my mom all I need to know to survive this life happily and make it to eternal happiness later. That's all :) Seriously - my mom is pretty amazing. She has taught me gentle persuasion (though I have yet to learn the art) competition WITH fun, discernment, firm faith, you don't have to get mad - like ever (still haven't mastered that one yet either...) I could go on and on and on, but I can really sum it up, that my mom has taught me how to find happiness both here and in the life to come - that is enough and the best thing anyone could give another. Love you mom!
