Thursday, July 24, 2014

Day 75, July 24, 2014

Read:  Helaman 16 - 3 Nephi 2
Mark:  3 Nephi 1:12-13

"Gifts of the Spirit which the Lord bestows upon those who believe and obey the gospel of Christ are called signs.  That is, their receipt stands as an evidence or sign of the presence of that faith which results from believing the truth.  Signs are wonders and miracles; they always and invariably are manifest to and among the faithful saints." --Elder Bruce R. McConkie

To ponder:
Why didn't Satan want the faithful Nephites to believe in the signs?  What lies does he send today to try to keep you from believing the witness you've received as a result of your faith?


  1. So excited to be in 3 Nephi!!!

    Thoughts that came to mind as I read today--sorry if these are rather random and not in any particular order:

    First, I love that the stones and arrow could not hit Samuel (of course, we are all familiar with this as part of one of just about everyone's favorite Primary songs)--but isn't this a huge sign to these people? And yet, some still chose not to believe.

    Then, I can just see Samuel saying: Fine, I'm outta here! And he heads home and is never heard of again in these parts.

    Then the people begin to try to rationalize out the things that Samuel had taught them--they begin to imagine things in their hearts, which were foolish and vain. I have done this!! I feel the Spirit, I know what I have heard, read or been taught is true, but then at times I try to rationalize things out in my mind...I'm so thankful for these scriptures and the teachings and examples that we have been given. The next time that I start rationalizing things out, I promise myself I will remember these people and I will just plain stop!

    Okay, as we begin in 3 Nephi, this gives the saying "living on the edge" a whole new meaning! The unrighteous had a day set aside where they were going to kill all the righteous! Oh my! And then the Lord at the very last hour comes thru with one of the first signs as prophesied by Samuel and many other holy prophets. Thank goodness!

    My question is this: We are not supposed to seek for signs, correct? Don't we find in the scriptures that it is a wicked and perverse nation/people who seek for signs? the difference that these people were not seeking for a sign? The Lord provided the sign that was needed? Help me to understand! :) And I promise I'm not trying to rationalize anything out in my mind at all! :)

    1. Beautiful comments, as always, Patti! And to answer your question, it's my personal belief that there's a vast difference between a person who is critical of the gospel demanding a sign to "prove" God is real and a faithful servant of the Lord begging for a reassurance that God is listening. Signs can be small and meaningful, and I know I've received many of them! God will give out signs whenever they will help increase someone's faith. People like me see signs everywhere and in a lot of things (Coincidence? I think NOT! It's God!). But God usually won't give signs to critics--they'd just rationalize them away, anyways. I don't know, but that's how I feel about it, anyways!

    2. Jenny, thank you! Gary and I had a very similar conversation last evening on this--and we pretty much see this just as you do!

  2. Helaman 16:23 just makes me so sad. I feel like this happens quite a bit, and it really is just too bad. I find meaning and miracles in so many things. Sitting back and enjoying the simple pleasures of a flower or breeze or the mighty perfection of a storm all make me think of God and his infinite creations and majesty. I'm one step away from going Walden, you guys! LOL.

    I'm tired of all the wickedness. I'm so happy to have Christ in my life. I can't imagine how other people deal with all of it or live in sin or disbelief!

  3. Helaman 16: Remember all that has already happened. Decide to be okay with the impossible, the improbable etc in today's world! Crazy things have happened before! Miracles can happen now. Stick to correct principles - be careful not to create your own truths (be they more or less fantastic than reality!). Be wary of the imaginations of your heart.

    3 Nephi 1: Watch steadfastly. It can be hard to not grow impatient - especially when no timeline is given - watch for the signs provided.

    Be righteous so that when the time is at hand for Christ to come you are more excited than you are nervous!

    Don't let lies lead you from the truth you already know.

    Sometimes we are trying to do the right thing and have good intentions, but we are actually not on the right path. If our purpose is pure, when the day comes that we are corrected we will rejoice in the new, correct knowledge! Be open to correction.

    3 Nephi 2: What miracles do I take for granted? The frequency of a miracle tends to cause us to be desensitized to it, but we should strive to think of the frequency as a miracle too! If many people walked on water daily it would be no less a miracle than one person in one instance.

    What events of the past have I neglected to remember or learn about? We will make the same mistakes if we do not educate ourselves. Learn what choices led to bad results and make different ones!
