Monday, June 30, 2014

Day 51, June 30, 2014

Read:  Alma 27-29
Mark:  Alma 27:27

True converts are those who "listen to the teachings and testimonies of missionaries and change their lives, leaving the past behind and moving forward into a new life." --President Gordon B. Hinckley

To ponder:
What is zeal?  What difference does it make to have "zeal towards God"?


  1. So I looked up the word "zeal" on and found the following definition: "a strong feeling of interest and enthusiasm that makes someone very eager or determined to do something." This is zeal! The people of Ammon, the Anti-Nephi-Lehis, and those Nephites who were still righteous had zeal: "they were perfectly honest and upright in all things, and they were firm in the faith of Christ, even unto the end." We can be this way too! We need to have zeal for the gospel!

    I love that in Alma 27:6-8, Ammon goes and inquires of the Lord as to whether the people should leave the land. The Lord could have told Ammon what to do at any time, but this is not the Lord's pattern. We must ponder it out for ourselves, and then ask of the Lord and with faith, await the answer. Great reminder! So often I just want the Lord to tell me what needs to happen and I'll be glad to do it--but quite obviously this is not how things work!

    Alma 29 is one of my favorite chapters in the whole Book of Mormon! The first few verses are a song, "O That I Were an Angel"--when I was growing up, this song was sung at every missionary farewell. There were weeks in my ward in Arizona where this song was sung each week because we had a missionary farewell each week! I haven't heard this song for many years and I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with it.

  2. Sorry! I've been reading, but not posting! I'll try to catch up!
    Chapter 27 - We should think of the destruction Satan is spreading through the hearts of men as the destruction the Amalekites wrought upon the Anti-Nephi-Lehis. People in the world do not take up arms not because of a covenant made, but because of ignorance. They do not know the truth of the war that rages on or the reality of the devil. We must have compassion on them in at least two ways - be generous in our judgments and share the gospel!. Give them the armor they need to protect themselves!
    Chapter 28 - Jealousy and pride may seem like such small things, but time after time we see the death & destruction they leave in their wake. Be aware enough of yourself to know when either of these things taint your perspective on what's going on around you.
    Chapter 29 - Desire for no more and no less than what God has called you to do. Glory in the call you are given and magnify it - He will give you success!
    Glory in the success of others.
    Zeal I think means desire. You want to do what God wants. And if you don't want that yet - you want to want to. :) And then you go do it! No questions - just go - and handle what comes at you while on that path. Don't give up just because its not easy. Having zeal makes the difference between doing something and succeeding at it.

  3. Proper zeal is a marvelous and wonderful thing! It motivates people to be active and magnify their callings. It gives us the energy and strength to move forward in the work of God, knowing that are efforts are eternally worthwhile. I love reading through Alma and seeing the conversion of certain sectors of the Lamanites. I've been thinking a lot about how amazing converts are. Some of the strongest, most faithful members of the church who display the most zeal are those who are converted or who have repented of great sins (which is pretty much still being converted). I think that when your life comes with such a great lifestyle change as comes when converting to the church it really does strengthen your testimony. To have the faith to completely turn around, bury your weapons, and move forward only in the work of God is incredible! I'm not sure I have that zeal, but boy do I want it!
