Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Day 25, June 4, 2014

Read:  Jarom - Words of Mormon
Mark:  Jarom 1:5

"We have become a nation of pleasure seeking Sabbath breakers...What fits the purpose of the Sabbath? Activities that contribute to greater spirituality...I don't believe that it is possible to keep our spirituality on a high plane by spending our Sabbaths on the beach, on the golf course...or in our own homes...looking at the television." --President Ezra Taft Benson

To ponder:
How can you more fully keep the Sabbath day holy?


  1. Sorry I got a little bit behind yesterday! But I posted my thought for yesterday today and caught up to the reading. There was a lot going on yesterday. I got my splint off yesterday, and today I'm typing (only somewhat uncomfortably) with both hands! Woo-hoo!

    I do wonder how different our countries, states, and cities would be if we all kept the Sabbath day holy. Everyone's interpretation of that is different, but even so, I feel like a sincere effort makes a big difference.

    Sundays rarely ever feel holy to me. I love going to church, but I am busy busy busy when I'm there. I'm rounding up the kids at home that morning, trying to make sure Elena doesn't pee her pants while at church, and when I get home I'm exhausted and have to make dinner. It's not all bad, but I wouldn't exactly call it a hugely spiritual day, either since I don't get to go to Relief Society or fully listen to the talks in Sacrament meeting. So for me, I try to keep the Sabbath as stress-free as possible because I'm so stressed the rest of the week that I NEED that day for rest.

    My interpretation of keeping the Sabbath has changed since I was a kid. As a kid I thought it meant I had to stay inside not doing anything fun. We weren't allowed to ride our bikes or play outside with our friends. We'd sometimes visit my grandparents on Sundays, which I'm really glad we did.

    Now I understand a little more than it isn't about what you CAN'T do, and it's more about what makes you feel better inside. People sometimes give a lot of flack about not studying or doing homework on Sundays, but I personally don't buy into that one. I'm not saying that it isn't the right move for people who feel that way, but I loved studying on Sundays as it was the only day I had any peace to do it! What it really comes down to is how you feel. I use that to gauge my Sunday activities. Do I feel better for doing it? Am I at peace? Does it make me grateful and happy? Does it bring me closer to Christ? If I can answer yes to these things then nothing else really matters.

  2. Jenny, I so agree with your thoughts that if you feel peaceful and are doing those activities that bring you closer to Christ, than you are indeed keeping the Sabbath day holy. Sundays will get better as your children grow up! Just keep thinking that you are setting a life long example to them as you strive to bring them to church each Sunday, partake of the Sacrament and fulfill your callings. They are watching and learning!

  3. Tonight's reading was kind of different as there were so many different authors that would write just a little of this and a little of that! As I read, I really wanted to know what Heavenly Father wanted me to learn from today's reading. I discovered that He wanted me to know of the great worth that these scriptures have. Each of the authors of these scriptures were called to preserve and care for the plates so that they could be brought forth in this day. Do we really fully understand what we have when we hold the scriptures in our hands and bring them into our hearts and our homes? I don't think we do, but I'm striving a little bit each day to do this, to learn, to study, to ponder, and to apply them as I go throughout the many activities that occur in my life each and every day. Thankful to be sharing these thoughts with each of you, and for your willingness to share your thoughts with me!.

  4. I like keeping the Sabbath holy. It is a reminder to me what's important and what's not. By obeying those rules you are able focus or reflect on the lessons that day. How the scriptures or message pertain to you.

  5. My problem is that my "rest" does not always equal the Lord's rest. I need to get better sleep throughout the week so I don't feel so tired and lazy on Sundays!!
    Several of the writers in these books say their purpose for writing is to keep a genealogy. I wish I could find a book my ancestors kept that gave me a line of ancestry!! How cool would that be!
    The teachers and prophets of the Nephites never gave up teaching, exhorting & persuading the people to do good. As a result they kept the people from destruction for a time. They kept their hearts pricked continually. We must have the same interest, diligence and long suffering with our children!
    Follow God's instruction. Follow the promptings of the holy ghost. We do not follow Him blindly. Usually He tells us what's happening even if we don't know why. But even when we don't even know WHAT I'd happening we know that blessings lie at the end of it. Whatever else happens I KNOW He will ask nothing of me save it will ultimately lead to my eternal happiness.
