Saturday, June 7, 2014

Day 28, June 7, 2014

Read:  Mosiah 5-8
Mark:  Mosiah 5:2-7

"No one can be born again without baptism, but the immersion of water and the laying on of hands to confer the Holy Ghost do not of themselves guarantee that a person has been or will be born again.  The new birth takes place only for those who actually enjoy the Gift or companionship of the Holy Ghost, only for those who are fully converted, who have given themselves without restraint to the Lord." --Elder Bruce R. McConkie

To ponder:
How can you more fully give yourself to the Lord to experience the mighty change of heart?


  1. I am in the middle of a 3-day Participation Training class as part of my Master's program, and a big portion of this class is on giving and receiving feedback. As today's reading begins, I find King Benjamin asking for feedback--and he receives wonderful feedback. The people have listened and understood and have no more disposition to do evil but only to do good! What wonderful feedback!

    Different words stand out to me as I read today: steadfast and unmoveable. Are we steadfast and unmoveable in every situation we find ourselves in? I hope so!

    I also appreciate the reminder provided in Mosiah 7:29: Where we are reminded that the Lord will not help us if we intentionally disobey his commandments. He is pretty clear on what will happen: He will block us in every direction!

  2. Couple of things come to mind as I read these. King Benjamin spoke to everyone - and all who heard him covenanted. I wonder if there were others who didn't show up that day - maybe they consciously decided not to go because they didn't want to hear what he had to say. Maybe they were too tired that day - or too overwhelmed by all of their responsibilities. God speaks to us all - we can either choose to hear Him or choose to be overwhelmed by the noise of this life. All our invited to enjoy in His eternal life, but He will not force it upon us.
    Once we have made these covenants we do not then stay in the temple and never leave. We go back out into the world and try to keep the covenants we have made. These covenants are not meant to be kept a secret - we go out and show how good our lives are because of them and invite others to share in the same blessings!
    I think sometimes we look at the idea of changing our hearts as something very difficult - something outside of our control. But the current state of our hearts is based upon the choices we have previously made - whether they were choices in the way we acted or choices in the way we thought or felt - or choosing not to control how we act, think or feel. Isn't that the greatest trap? Satan saying you can't help the way you feel? You can't help what crosses your mind? You can't help how you act - that's just the way you are? Don't let him have his way. YOU ARE POWERFUL! You have complete control over yourself. I have control over myself if I am but willing to strengthen my will-muscles and practice using them. I can have a change of heart only by recognizing how I think about things causes me to feel about things and then how those things motivate my actions. If I can pause and question my own thoughts that lead me to feel negatively - and then alter those thoughts then maybe I can succeed in a change of heart. And I don't mean to say that we should look on some offense that someone has done to us and think of it as something good. If someone lies to me, it is a lie and that is bad - but I can think on it with entitlement and hurt (how dare they lie to me, I don't deserve that, what a foolish person to lie, dont they know that is a sin??) - none of which will help anyone or further me towards God. OR I can think on it with an eternal perspective - (I wonder why that person felt it necessary to lie. I wonder if I can make that person feel safer to tell the truth). Dwelling on what I cannot control will only build stress, desperation and hopelessness. Thinking about what I can control and what I can change - and paying less mind to what mistakes others make can help me change my heart.

  3. Sarah, great thoughts! We can't change another, we can only change ourselves and we can choose how we are going to react. Something that has really stood out in my mind and made an impression is the quote from yesterday where Elder Scott says that the mind can only think of one think at a time. This thought keeps coming to my mind, and reminds me: why not make that a good thought? It's almost like the song: If you chance to meet a frown, turn it upside down, and smile that frown away (not the exact words I know but you get the idea). So why not: If you chance to have-a-bad-thought, send it right away, and think good thoughts all the day! :) (Yep, I am no song writer obviously!) But it's been interesting to me just how many times I've thought to myself, we must have good thoughts--when we have pure thoughts, we have a pure heart......

    Sorry if I'm kind of rambling! It's been a long couple of days due to the class I'm in--and there's still one more whole day tomorrow!!!

  4. It's been really enlightening reading others thoughts on these chapters instead of just writing a bunch myself. I truly need to work on what Sarah mentioned to improve my way of thinking. I want to be a more patient, kind, loving, and stable person. A lot of that begins with changing my mind-frame and having more charity. Anyways... just some really great thoughts from you gals! Thanks!!!

  5. In the last year and a half I have most definitely learned a hard lesson about wallowing. I had wallowed in my own self pity for way too long. It was time to stand up, put my big girl panties on, and find myself again. I have been in many a dark place. I am too old to live in those dark places anymore. I have a choice. Heavenly Father never meant for my life to be surrounded in darkness. He gave me certain strengths to overcome the darkness. I just have to lift myself up and find that unconditional love He has for me and move on! I feel as though I have come a long way from a year ago. I feel like a beautiful Phoenix who has risen from the ashes to fly again. When I started going to church last July, it was exactly the compass I needed to stay on Heavenly Father's path. I still struggle with anxiety but not nearly like it was. I have found a partner who wants to live our life as a team and partner with Heavenly Father. I have found the Book of Mormon and an amazing church family who has helped me more than they realize.
    This feels like the brightest my life has ever been. This is the most I have ever felt the Holy Spirit in my life. I love this study as it has helped me understand and focus on what the Book of Mormon has for me and my life.
    Thank you ladies!
