Read: Mosiah 21-23
Mark: Mosiah 23:21-22
"Life is full of difficulties, some minor and others of a more serious nature. There seems to be an unending supply of challenges for one and all. Our problem is that we often expect instantaneous solutions to such challenges, forgetting that frequently the heavenly virtue of patience is required." --President Thomas S. Monson
To ponder:
When is it most difficult for you to be patient? Why is patience important?
As I read this evening, I just cannot believe how much I am enjoying the history of these people. It reminds me of the importance of journal writing--writing both of the bad times and the good times, and then being able to go back and read and learn from our experiences.
ReplyDeleteThe people of Limhi went up against the Lamanites three times before they were willing to humble themselves before the Lord. They finally turned to the Lord for help, and while He was slow to answer, He answered. What all can we learn from this experience?!!! How often do we think we can do something ourselves, and we try over and over, before we realize that we need to ask for help from our Heavenly Father?
I love that finally the people of Limhi turn to our Heavenly Father, And then Gideon comes back into the picture with his great plan! Get the Lamanites drunk and then flee while they are sleeping: I have marked these scriptures as "The Great Escape of the People of Limhi!"
And finally, we can learn so much from Alma. He explains that he has repented and the Lord hears his prayers and uses him as an instrument. He explains that we will be tried and our patience will be tested, but if we trust in the Lord, he will come through for us!
Today's question makes me think! It's most difficult for me to be patient when things are going rotten in my life; I just want trials to be over and things to be okay again. I have to learn patience and gratitude for whatever my situation might be at that moment in time.
So I did do the reading last night, but Joseph was using the computer to study, so I'm getting it posted now. Now I don't remember as much of it, LOL.
ReplyDeleteEven though Limhi's people turned to the Lord he was slow to answer them as punishment for not listening to Abinadi and going with Alma in the first place (every choice must have it's due consequence). But he did allow them to prosper by degrees and sent Ammon into their midst. At the end of chapter 21 when they want to be baptized but have no one there with authority to do so (and Ammon doesn't feel adequate) it made me think of righteous people in places like Africa who had to wait for the gospel to open up in their land. There are stories of people who'd read the Book of Mormon and other church materials and just waited and waited to be able to have the fullness of the gospel. And there are lots of countries where small but thriving congregations of members don't have a temple nearby, and these people wait for the Lord to open up an opportunity for them to go--an opportunity which, if ever granted, takes days upon days of rigorous travel and all of their savings to obtain. But God did finally deliver these people, and they were able to do so by taking advantage of the Lamanite guards' iniquity--getting drunk on the job. I'm guessing that it's highly probably those guards were put to death for letting an entire people escape on their watch.
Finally, I love chapter 23 in verses 21-22. Even though God will sometime try our patience and faith, if we put our trust in him he WILL lift us up "at the last day." Using those words "at the last day" makes me think that JUST when we're losing hope THAT'S when he'll deliver us. God wants us to be patient. It takes a long time sometimes for his design to come into place. God isn't hasty. All things come in their due time. This becomes increasingly difficult for people to accept since our world is more and more impatient. We live in an instant gratification society, but that just isn't how God works. Good things are worth waiting for. If God were impatient, I hate to think of how poorly our world may have turned out! (Maybe that's why none of the other planets are uninhabitable, LOL!)
I'm most impatient when I'm in a big hurry and my kids need 1000 things before we can get out the door. Or when I feel like no one else is pulling their weight and I feel overwhelmed. But I try to allow myself plentiful time for everything so that I don't get into this situation too often. Patience really is important, especially with small kids because they're doing the best they can and don't need to feel that pressure.
I'm currently being patient for all of the shows I love to come back on again in the Fall! LOL!!! I really want to see Elsa as the next villain on Once Upon a Time.
I'm most impatient when my hormones are in whatever state they were in at the end of and after my second pregnancy :) If I left it at that though there would be little for me to change and I would be hopeless. I also know that when I have not had enough sleep or adult socializing I am quite impatient. So I have to make sure that I am getting those things that I need but even when I'm not, knowing how I an weak helps me check myself. I have to think about the people I love and consider what I can do to be more patient. Usually it is a perspective switch. Having patience is so important because it helps you to see things more clearly and keeps you from making an increased number of mistakes.
ReplyDeleteThere is always a way out of bondage. Usually with some help, strategizing and a whole lot of faith.
Choose a leader whose actions show s/he is a disciple of God. Words are not enough.