Read: Mosiah 3-4
Mark: Mosiah 4:30
"Work at keeping your thoughts clean by thinking of something good. The mind can think of only one thing at a time. Use that fact to crowd out ugly thoughts. Above all, don't feed thoughts by reading or watching things that are wrong. If you don't control your thoughts, Satan will keep tempting you until you eventually act them out." --Elder Richard G. Scott
To ponder:
What helps you control your thoughts?
King Benjamin's General Conference address continues! I could underline every one of these verses! I cannot believe the power of what we hold within our hands, our hearts and our minds as we read these scriptures. If we want to know how to live our lives, teach our families, and prepare to return to our Heavenly Father, we will find it all in King Benjamin's address.
ReplyDeleteIt is interesting that the quote and question today are on controlling our thoughts. It seems that as we started this challenge, I have been continually asking myself, what it means to be in pure in heart? As I go throughout each day, I have often stopped myself (and especially after I have said or thought something), and asked myself if someone had a pure heart, would they have just said that, or thought that, or did that? I've tried to replace negative thoughts or mean thoughts (yikes!) with a favorite Primary song. It's slowly working, but I have such a long way to go!
I love the scriptures! I'm so thankful for them and their teachings! I know these words are true and that by reading, studying and applying them to our lives, we will draw nearer to our Father in Heaven!
ch3 - Repentance + Faith = Salvation. One without the other is insufficient. Repentance is work - it is moving toward God and turning your back on Satan. We must show we believe in Him and His son by all we do and by recognizing our mistakes. And then, by learning from those mistakes. Wallowing in them shows only weakness and lack of faith - don't get stuck!
ReplyDeleteThe quote today hit the nose on the head. Simply stating what NOT to do is not enough. I can't tell my kids not to do something and expect them not to do it - not with any real hope of them obeying. I must give them something good to do instead. If I just tell them not to do something, they'll only be thinking about what not to do. If I instead give them a few other options or activities to fill their mind and time - they'll be busy doing those things. It works that way for us to - we must not focus so much on what we are asked not to do - but fill our time with the wonderful things we can do. So don't focus on what you should not be thinking about, but focus on all the wonderful things there are to think about. Thoughts will come to your mind - whether because you have had spans of time where you welcomed it or allowed them or someone else puts them there unwillingly - choose not to pay them any mind. Let them pass as surely as they entered. Do not wallow in the fact that they are there - that gives them too much of your time and energy - let them pass and fill your mind with the many wonderful things there are to think of! I think of my kids, great music or stories I'm reading. I think of plans for future road trips - or what would be fun for a 10 yr anniversary with my hubby! I think of how excited my three year old is to recite the Articles of Faith she has been memorizing - she has 1 and 2 solid and is working on 3! Can't get enough of those thoughts. And as quick as a wink the bad thought is gone! :)
Wow, Sarah. Thanks for sharing your thoughts for this. I really appreciate your insight and how you work to control the thoughts.
DeleteIt's true--bad thoughts or habits don't just go away--they need replaced! Thanks for reminding me of that.
I think only with prayer, reading scriptures, and being Christ-like are you able to keep your thoughts in the right place. The world is full of many temptations every minute of everyday. Knowing that Christ faced the same temptations and remained perfect is an incentive to strive to be like Him.
ReplyDeleteKing Benjamin gives us the perfect recipe of how to keep our thoughts on Heavenly Father. He reminds us of the promises both good and bad for obedience and loyalty. I love how gentle and kind his message is. He constantly reminds us of Christ's coming and the Atonement. I know how the people feel when they immediately repent their sins. I feel that way at church. The Holy Spirit reminds us where we should be and the feeling we are missing out on when we are not where we are supposed to be.