Read: Jacob 6 - Enos
Mark: Enos 1:4
"How many of you, with or without serious transgressions, have ever prayed all day and into the night? Have you ever wept and prayed for many hours? How many of you have prayed for five hours? for one? for thirty minutes? for ten?" -- President Spencer W. Kimball
To ponder:
How often do you cry unto the Lord in mighty prayer? How can you make prayer more meaningful?
I love today's reading! I remember the story of Sherem, the anti-Christ, from my seminary days. I love that Sherem was considered learned, and that he flattered the people--aren't we surrounded by people like this in today's world as well? People that can't believe the truth unless it has been proven? I love that Jacob's testimony was unshakeable!!! He said: "the Lord God poured in his Spirit until my soul..." --what does this mean "poured" in His Spirit? Jacob stood tall and listened and spoke with the power of Christ. What a great example he has set for each one of us!
ReplyDeleteI am sad, though, as Jacob ends his writings that in verse 26, he says "we did mourn out our days..." I wonder if this means that Jacob and his family were truly sad, or if maybe 'mourn' meant something else to him. Heavenly Father wants us to stand tall, to be happy, and to endure to the end.
Enos is one of my new heroes! I love that he "wrestled" before God, and he prayed and prayed and prayed, until the Lord calls him by name, and gives him forgiveness. I love his confidence and the fact that the Lord covenants What great examples we receive in the Book of Mormon!
These scriptures and today's question help me to know that I need to pray with more sincerity and take more time in my prayers--not to be so routine. Can't wait to hear all of your thoughts from today's reading!
I think Sherem's story is pretty sad. And Sherem himself wasn't an evil man, but he let evil influence him, and it was disguised as good. So many people need that absolute proof. But that just isn't how God works. Proof makes believing easy, and if it were easy, the reward would not be so great.
DeleteSomething in the reading that made me really think was in Enos in verse 23--"And there was nothing save it was exceeding harshness, preaching and prophesying of wars, and contentions, and destructions, and continually reminding them of death, and the duration of eternity, and the judgments and the power of God, and all these things---stirring them up continually to keep them in the fear of the Lord. I say there was nothing short of these things, end exceedingly great plainness of speech, would keep them from going down speedily to destruction."
How sad is that? The ONLY thing that could keep these people from becoming rampantly evil was FEAR. It truly makes me ponder what my motivations are. I judge these people, but am I exactly the same as they are? What are my motivators for being "righteous"? Am I really righteous if I only do things to avoid punishment? And the more important question, if fear is my motivator, how do I change my motivation to more fully align with Christ? How do we turn from fear of God to love of God when keeping his commandments?
I think the biggest answer lies in prayer, which is something that I've been horrible at since having kids because I'm always so tired that my prayers have been lacking some of that spiritual quality and candor they used to have. Reading Enos today and seeing today's quote and thought has really rekindled my desire to sincerely and openly converse with my Father more regularly.
Jacob 6:12 "O be wise; what can I say more?"
ReplyDeleteThat pretty much sums it up. I love that verse.
4 And my soul hungered; and I kneeled down before my Maker, and I cried unto him in mighty prayer and supplication for mine own soul; and all the day long did I cry unto him; yea, and when the night came I did still raise my voice high that it reached the heavens.
ReplyDeleteI am humbled by his strength, patience and passion in his prayers. I know my prayers need some work. A lot of work. I think this is a vivid reminder how important it is to stay in contact w Heavenly Father.
Enos definitely puts me to shame!!!
DeleteThe Lord tells us that we can harden our hearts and die or we can obtain eternal life. O be wise! He also makes it clear that hardening your heart is a choice. In Jacob 7 he is clear on his message to his people. The Devil is intelligent both in fact and the art of sharing facts -with whatever twist he sees fit. Be not swayed by words, stand fast with the spirit and recognize truth and falsehood regardless of how it is delivered. Often in the scriptures when people recognize the truth paired with an understanding of their own wrongdoing they f3all down and the missionary or prophet who actually prayed for this is glad when it happens. Maybe the trials and tribulations we sometimes face are part of our Fall and hopefully our repentance upon recognizing our need to do a little better.
ReplyDeleteI love Enos's account. I always think of the song that is based on this moment and I wanted to share it with you. I found the LDS video based on this story and it reminded me that what Enos did was more important thatn how long he took to do it. He prepared himself. He desired and set aside time. He listened! I imagine he also please outloud. Here is that video - and the song is at the end.!lang=eng I hope that link works for you! I had to type it in... Just remember - the time does it matter - its in the desire, the preparation and willingness to follow through!