Friday, June 27, 2014

Day 48, June 27, 2014

Read:  Alma 21-23
Mark:  Alma 22:15-18

"No part of walking by faith is more difficult than walking the road of repentance.  However, with 'faith unto repentance,' we can push roadblocks out of the way, moving forward to beg God for mercy...One simply surrenders, caring only about what God thinks, not what 'they' think...Giving away all our sins is the only way we can come to know God." --Elder Neal A. Maxwell

To ponder:
What are you willing to give to know Him?


  1. It's been a really long day and I only have a few minutes to write tonight! So I wanted to share a thought once again from the "Book of Mormon: Verse by Verse." In Alma 21, we learn so much about Aaron! The authors of the Verse by Verse book say the following: "Aaron is another of the five "A's"--Abinadi, Alma, Amulek, Ammon and Aaron--great missionaries who were wise in keeping their teaching and testimony simple." We can do this too! We can keep our teaching and testimonies simple so that those around us can understand and feel the spirit.

    I have always found it interesting that our missionaries are taught that if they are teaching a people (or person) and the person is not willing to listen and learn, that they should simply move on. I have often thought that they need to become friends with the person, develop a relationship and then try to share the gospel with them. But this is not the way of the Lord. I was reminded of this in Alma 21, when Aaron tries to teach the people, but they harden their hearts and will not listen and he departs. He went to another area and the same thing happened, and he departed once again going in search of those who would listen and feel the Spirit. This is an important reminder to me.

    I absolutely love Alma 22 and particularly the scriptures that it is suggested we mark today--Alma 22:15-18. I love that the king listens and asks: What shall I do that I may have this eternal life of which thou hast spoken? Isn't this every missionary's dream?!!! And then the king says: I will give up all that I possess, yea, I will forsake my kingdom that I may receive this great joy. Again, what a great reminder and example. Are we willing to do this? To give up all we have to receive this great joy?

  2. Teaching the gospel takes courage, and it is not always received well, but that should not deter us. Get up, and try again!

    Daily teachings from the scriptures and his servants are as necessary now as they were in the days recorded in the scriptures. We are not more capable and we have as much tempting us to go astray (if not more). We should be zealous in keeping all of His commandments.

    I was thinking the same thing as Patti (Mom!) regarding the King's words to Aaron - he hasn't talked to Aaron yet really, but says he will believe everything he says! And when he does hear everything, he isn't overwhelmed by the knowledge and he doesn't decide too much is asked of him - instead he desires to repent and do whatever else is necessary to receive eternal life. Wouldn't we all love this? We should all be dreaming of such experiences! They won't all happen that way, but some will - we won't know unless we try sharing with everyone. :)

    Things never appear perfectly as they really are. We must learn to listen and watch and wait. Make good decisions - sometimes quick, but never rash. Let the Spirit be your guide - and if you're still working on that relationship, let the experience of the prophets and missionaries of old and present be your guide.

    I would like to think I would give up everything for Him. The only thing I hesitate on is my girls. I try to tell myself that they are still under the age of accountability and would be eternally happy if such a thing was required of me, but I'm seriously happy that it has not been. I won't really know what I'm willing to give up until I'm faced with the possibility or reality, but I would like to think that I could handle it and keep an eternal perspective about it.

  3. AGH!!! Everything I wrote just disappeared into cyberspace. :( I'm going to have to start typing my thoughts out in Microsoft Word before trying to put it on here.

  4. I’d like to think that I could give up everything for God, but in reality I know it would be really difficult. I think if it came down to the wire and I knew that I would be taken care of that I could give up everything I had to do what was asked of me. But I really enjoy the comforts of my own home and my possessions! LOL. I thought of Sarah’s comment—If I were to lose my children that would be something horrific. We see that with different instances in the scriptures and throughout history, where people are killed for their religious convictions, even women and children. I would never deny Christ, even upon the death of myself and my family, but it would be a great cause for faltering, for sure. I know, however, that it would be a great testament and sin upon the other person’s head, not mine, and that my children and I would be blessed eternally for that sacrifice. I shudder to even think of it, though.
