Sunday, June 1, 2014

Day 22, June 1, 2014

Get Back on Schedule!

Use your reading chart (or this blog) to find the chapters you still need to read to be caught up through:  Jacob 4


If you're up to date with your reading, take time to study:  2 Nephi 31-33

To ponder:
What is the doctrine of Christ?  What are some things the Holy Ghost can do for us?  As Nephi finishes his record, what are the things it seems like he most wants us to know?


  1. Today I spent some time reading and studying 2 Nephi 31-33 and thinking about today's questions. It seems that the doctrine of Christ is nearly completely provided in the heading to Chapter 31. To this heading I would simply add: Feast on the words of Christ and the reminder Nephi gives us in verse 21, that this is the way and there is no other way. Once again, I am amazed by the plain and simple words of Nephi--how can we not understand what we are to do?

    What are some things the Holy Ghost can do for us? Again, I would like to use the simple words of Nephi: The Holy Ghost will tell and show us all things that we should do. What a great promise this is! We do not have to wonder or be lost, we simply need to keep the commandments, do our best, and live close to our Heavenly Father, and we will have the gift of the Holy Ghost to lead and guide us throughout our lives. I have felt the influence of the Holy Ghost in my life; it is truly a comforter and guide.

    I have thought a lot about the words and teachings of Nephi and what I think he most wants us to know is we must repent, obey the commandments, share the gospel with others, and endure to the end. Can we each do this? Yes! I know that we can.

    I'm not sure how many of you heard Jenny's' testimony today, but it was beautiful. I so appreciated her expressing her love for the Book of Mormon and her love for our Heavenly Father, and the patience and love He has for each one of us. Jenny, your testimony strengthens me!

  2. As I glanced back over some of the MANY things I had highlighted in this portion of the scriptures, I found myself struck by some of Nephi's final words in that last chapter---if you don't believe my words, believe in Christ. And if you believe in Christ you'll come to believe in the Book of Mormon. I think about how many people are good people, but they just don't want to let go of their earthly vices to give room for Christ in their lives. It makes me really sad to think about. It made me think--even if we're hesitant to spread the LDS gospel, most everyone is open to Christ. If we preach of Christ, the rest of the gospel message can and will flow later as the person becomes more open to it. :)
