Monday, June 23, 2014

Day 44, June 23, 2014

Read:  Alma 12-13
Mark:  Alma 13:2-4

"God has saved for the final inning some of His strongest and most valiant children...Make no mistake about it--you are a marked generation.  There has never been more expected of the faithful in such a short period of time than there is of us...The final outcome is certain--the forces of righteousness will finally win.  But what remains to be seen is where each of us personally, now and in the future, will stand in this battle--and how tall we will stand.  Will we be true to...our foreordained mission? --President Ezra Taft Benson

To ponder:
To what callings do you think you've been foreordained?


  1. No matter how muc I do in service to the devil he will forever remain my adversary. He is no one's friend - he desires only miserable servants who are fooled into thinking happiness is only reachable in cheap moments of pleasure.
    If ever I'm called out for doing the work of the devil rightly I hope that my heart will be as soft and open as Zeezrom's and that I'll be repentant & ache to know more.
    It's not a coincident that every prophet who has any words recorded includes the call to repent! We all need the reminder and we all need it often.

  2. I have thought a lot about this question today--and what callings I may have been foreordained to do. I don't know if I know the answer to this! I do love today's quote by President Benson and hope that I will stand tall each and every day.

    I love Alma 12:8: "And Zeezrom began to inquire of them diligently, that he might know more concerning the kingdom of God." I love that Zeezrom listened! (I think I may have said this a day or two ago in my post, because I accidentally read Alma 12 as part of that day's reading.) But I still love this! It gives me such great hope that hearts can be softened, people can and do listen, and they can become great members of the church.

    And, I love the last few verses of Alma 13:27-29, and how Alma pleads with his brethren to repent and humble themselves before the Lord. I think that Alma 13:29 may be my new favorite scripture!

  3. I've read the scripture about callings before and have wondered if I've ever been denied callings/blessings due to my disobedience or hard-heartedness. I love that Zeezrom, even though he originally wanted to tear down the gospel and Amulek and Alma, was able to soften his heart. I think that deep down he really was just looking for truth and that when Amulek was able to see what he was thinking that Zeezrom could tell there was something more to them than he knew. And instead of withdrawing he reached out for truth. I think it's important to remember to ALWAYS be open to things we need answers to. Thanks for this lesson, Zeezrom!
