Friday, August 15, 2014

Day 97, August 15, 2014

Read:  Moroni 5-7
Mark:  Moroni 7:47-48

"The phrase 'love of Christ' might have meaning in three dimensions:  (1) love for Christ; (2) love from Christ; (3) love like Christ...People who have charity have a love for the Savior, have received of his love, and love others as he does." --Elder C. Max Caldwell

To ponder:
How often do you pray for charity?  Why do you think you would be a better person if you were filled with charity?


  1. The question today is interesting. I used to pray all the time that I would have love for all the people I ran into or came across. I asked and still ask that I'll be able to see people as God see's them. I don't know what initiated the desire, maybe the fact that I feel (and I think many people feel) that I am misunderstood a lot. I don't want to make people feel that way if I can help it. I don't think I have ever used the word charity - but I think I'm asking for essentially the same thing. Sometimes I receive His promptings at giving me this blessing better than others!

    (I already did Chapter 5)
    Chapter 6: Only under specific conditions are people baptized - not out of any exclusive intention though. ANYONE & EVERYONE can meet these conditions. Being baptized brings blessings & greater responsibilities/expectations. Those who have not met them are kept from being baptized because they would fail those new responsibilities and would be punished for it.
    Allowing only the prepared to make covenants is merciful and a protection.

    Same is true when asked to not take the sacrament or even when excommunicated. These individuals are still welcomed into our congregations. They are supported on their journey back to worthiness.

    Chapter 7: A good act done with evil intentions is not counted as righteousness. Think Judas' kiss.
    The same rule holds for praying without real intent! Makes me think on how I pray even more seriously!
    There is no gray area. That which is evil comes from the devil and good comes from God. If you cannot say it comes from God there is no third party to lean on - you follow the devil.
    All good things can come to you - they will by faith. If miracles have stopped happening and angels stopped ministering it is only because not a single faithful person is left to earn them(or make them happen)!
    Charity is required for faith to have any depth or impact. Charity will be in the hearts of all the people accepted by God. Do not let pride, envy, frustration, sin keep you from having charity - it is absolutely essential.

  2. I am feeling especially grateful today to be in Moroni and away from all the wars, destruction and blood shed!

    As Sarah mentioned, I too have been thinking about today's question. I don't think I have ever prayed for charity, but I do pray to be kind to others and to be understanding. After reading Chapter 7 today where it states so clearly that charity is the pure love of Christ, I will definitely be praying for charity! To have the pure love of Christ at all times would be amazing not only for me but for those who come in contact with me! :)

    I think that Chapter 6:6 is an important verse reminding us once again of the importance of partaking of the sacrament weekly. As we do this we draw nearer to our Heavenly Father, we repent of our sins and we renew (and are reminded) of the covenants that we made at baptism--to take Christ's name upon ourselves. This is the beginning to having charity!

    Not sure what my favorite part in Chapter 7 might be--I just want to underline/highlight the whole chapter!

  3. SO many good things in Moroni! I did chapter 5 yesterday, but I really enjoyed chapters 6 and 7!

    From chapter 6, the verses that stood out to me most were 5-6, and 8. The people met together often. How important is it that we actually meet together for church? Why should it be so often? I think it's because the people we spend the most time with will most influence our lives and behavior. So when we come together with others who believe like us, we will be uplifted and edified. Also, it says that as many times as they repented, they were forgiven. What a great blessing!

    Chapter 7 is great. We are given abilities to judge others, but we have to be careful how harshly we judge, because we'll be judged harshly by God according to how harsh we are with others. I don't have time to share much else.

    I really hope that I develop more charity. The charity I pray for most often is to have greater love and compassion for my husband and kids--to judge them less harshly and to love them more freely, as Christ would.
