Saturday, August 2, 2014

Day 84, August 2, 2014

Read:  3 Nephi 22-26
Mark:  3 Nephi 24:7-10

"I can't list all the ways that blessings will come from obedience to this principle [of tithing], but I testify many will come in spiritual ways that go well beyond economics...I express my deepest gratitude for every blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ, especially that greatest of all gifts, the exemplary life and atoning death of God's Only Begotten Son.  I know I can never repay heaven for any of this benevolence, but there are many ways I need to try to show my thankfulness.  One of those ways is in the payment of tithes and freewill offerings." --Elder Jeffrey R. Holland

To ponder:
What blessings do you receive from paying tithing?


  1. I love today's quote from Elder Holland! I had never looked at paying tithing as a way to express gratitude for all that we have; I had looked at it as a commandment and a 'giving back' just a small portion of what we have been given. I love this new thought that as we pay our tithes and other offerings we are repaying the Lord in a very small way for all that we have--saying "thank you, thank you, in our own special way!"

    I love Chapter 23! I love that the Lord says, hey why didn't you write the words of Samuel? They are important! So Nephi corrects this and the Lord approves! :)

    I also love verse 1 of this Chapter where we are commanded to search the words of Isaiah because they are great. I plan to order the book "Understanding Isaiah" very soon--and when we are finished with this challenge, I will be studying Isaiah so that I can "search these things diligently, for great are the words of Isaiah"--according to this scripture, this is a commandment!

    I love the kind of summary that we are given in Chapter 26 beginning with verse 13. This is a wonderful re-cap of all that happened while the Lord visited His people. I think it's important to understand that the sacrament ordinance was performed throughout these few days several times; this is a great reminder to me of attending Sacrament meeting each week and the importance of partaking of the sacrament. This is an ordinance that is repeated weekly; how many other ordinances do we have like this? None, that I can think of--

    So many wonderful teachings in these few chapters--and I'm so glad I feel that I can understand just a tiny morsel of what is being taught.

  2. I love Elder Holland's quote for this day, too. Tithing is definitely a way I show my gratitude to Heavenly Father. A "thank you" gift for him to use in whatever place the church needs support.

    The big, main message I got from chapter 23 was this: keep good records and teach what you've recorded/learned. When a prophet talks, write it down! That must be why we record our general conference addresses and publish them in the Ensign. I am SO grateful for the Ensign and being able to access the Conference addresses that way!

    Chapter 24 was a bit hard to comprehend in parts, but I really liked verses 10-11 and verses 14-18. I love the promise that if we pay our tithing we will receive so many blessings that there will not be enough room to receive all that we've been given! I can feel heaven's blessings overflowing for me every day. I also love the promise that he will "rebuke the devourer for your sakes".

    14-18 show a lot of interesting things, I thought. It gives me an idea of what some of the doubts were in that day and what some of the feelings were of the righteous. I know I feel this way sometimes (well, he's making all the wrong choices and getting REWARDED for it! It isn't right!). But Jesus makes it very clear that the righteous will be spared and be given a way to discern righteousness from unrighteousness. I don't know, I can't really explain it, but I liked it a lot when I read it today.

    When I read chapter 26 verse 16 I thought about my kids. I think all kids, at some point, are able to teach us lessons through the spirit if we have our hearts open to listen. Kids are just so pure (and sometimes inappropriately) honest. They're good mouthpieces for the Spirit. I wonder what kind of marvelous things those children spoke. I wonder what things I'll learn from my kids.

  3. Chapter 22: Spare not any resource to strengthen your stake, ward, family & self in the Lord. He will never abandon us and when our time of trial is passed our works will be rewarded.

    Chapter 23: Read, ponder & discover the scriptures! I cannot hearken unto the words of God unless I know what they are. I must learn what is right, repent where I have erred and go on in the right direction. I can only do this by learning what He has shared with us. Keep record of the miracles that happen in your life.

    Chapter 24: We rob God when we refuse to give what He has required of us. Not only has He required less than we actually owe Him but we rob ourselves of the blessings that come in no other way. Many blessings are ours if we do as He asked. Paying a full tithe has been one of the commandments that has always come easy to me - in fact, I am so used to the blessings and protection that come from it I am terrified what would happen if I didn't pay it!

    Chapter 25: We are always stronger and safer with the Lord - stay in teh right and you'll be on his side - strong, knowledgeable and happy.

    Chapter 26: We must show our faith by our actions. We cannot demande new knowledge. Even if it were given to us we could not understand it fully. We must earn the privilege by obedience and build our spiritual muscles before we can lift heavier weights!
