Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Day 87, August 5, 2014

Read:  3 Nephi 29-Mormon 1
Mark:  Mormon 1:13-15

"[President Brigham Young said] 'I want you to teach the people -- and I want you to follow this counsel yourself -- that they must labor and so live as to obtain the Holy Spirit, for without this you cannot build up the kingdom; without the spirit of God you are in danger of walking in the dark." --President Wilford Woodruff

To ponder:
As a young man, Mormon, enjoyed the blessings of the Lord despite living in a wicked society.  How can you keep the Spirit with you regardless of conditions in the world?


  1. I don't know about everyone else, but I marked a lot of scriptures in today's reading! I'm not sure why 4 Nephi isn't just tacked on to 3 Nephi, or why Chapter 30 of 3 Nephi isn't just tacked on to Chapter 29! But the message is still there. :)

    Isn't it kind of crazy to see the change in the people from righteousness to wickedness? In 4 Nephi 1:5 we see that after Christ's appearance and organization there are years filled with marvelous works and wonders--miracles in Jesus' name! Can you imagine what it would have been like to live in a time filled with miracles? We see eternal marriages performed in verse 11. Verse 15--NO CONTENTION! Really?! How wonderful would it be to live in a world with NO CONTENTION! And righteousness really pays off because we see, in verse 16, that "there could not be a happier people..." This all went on for about 194 years or so from what I understand until a small group of people revolted from the church. After that happens, though, it really doesn't take too long for evil to set in again because on the 201st year the people divide into classes and are prideful.

    I'm amazed in verse 34 with the word "Nevertheless..." DESPITE the many miracles performed, wickedness still reigned among the people. After this there are divisions in people again, the Nephites and Lamanites (and other "-ites")--a great change since verse 17! That only took 120 years to split the people up against each other again. And those who were wicked were willful in their rebellion.

    And after 300 years from Christ's coming everyone was wicked. Both Nephites and Lamanites. SO much so that the records had to be hid, the disciples were taken away, and miracles ceased.

    I'd like to think that I could be strong enough to be one of the few people who could withstand even among turmoil and strife, like Ammaron and Mormon. What an amazing story--Mormon, only 10 years old, is left in charge of these records.

    In Mormon 1:16-17, I'm just so saddened by the iniquity of the people. Mormon wants so badly to preach to them, but he can't. The spirit will always lead us to do what is right--isn't it crazy that sometimes the right thing is to just keep our mouths SHUT?! We see this today, sometimes, too. Can't you think of some areas of the world we aren't allowed to preach? There are a lot of people I know who would benefit from the gospel message, but I've never been prompted to speak to them because it would hurt them and push them further away than if I didn't say anything at all. How great for Mormon, though, to be visited by Christ (verse 15) and learn of him, even among such wickedness!

    1. Jenny, thank you for sharing these thoughts! You expressed so many of the same things that I was thinking as I read this evening.

  2. To add briefly to what Jenny has already written, I just am so impressed by the important reminder to beware of pride! These people were doing so great and living in peace and righteousness for many years, until once again pride began to enter into their lives and once again their downfall begins...what a great warning and reminder to each one of us.

    I'm also saddened that the people taught their children to hate others--but I know that we find this today as well. Again, we find a great example of what not to do...

    And, I love Mormon! Can you imagine that at age 15 (or thereabouts) he was entrusted with the plates?

  3. Chapter 29
    The Lord's time is according to the will of God - it is not dependent on the actions of men - He will not come early and He will not be late.
    There is no safety in ignorance - maybe your path of repentance is shorter, but it is not easy and it is still necessary. Denying truth offered is a condemnation unto yourself.

    Chapter 30
    Again - assurance that ignorance is no excuse. We must repent of our wickedness even if we did so in ignorance - we must look upon our lives at the point when we know best and repent wishing we had done better and known sooner - and committing to do the right in the future.

    4 Nephi
    For over 100 years the people here in the Americas lived in a perfect peace - prospering in every way and following all the teachings of Christ. They had a working Zion here on Earth. I asked this in earlier chapters but I'll ask it again here - what turned around the hearts of this new generation?? Christ had prophesied that this would happen so it shouldn't have blind-sided anyone. Surely there fathers and grandfathers were teaching them the words of Christ and were obviously providing good examples. What made this generation ignore the perfection around them - the TRUTH right IN FRONT of them and choose instead to adopt the ideas of ancestors long ago who went through war and struggle? Did they ignore their history? What part of history am I ignoring that would benefit my family to learn?

    Mormon 1
    Some course of action which has always been right in the past may be still god, but the wrong action in a new situation. Mormon had to hold his tongue an dno more preach God's word. The people would have rejected it all and the more they denied the more condemned they would become. Be open to these types of changes. Recognize the principles stay the same and let not your faith be shaken.

    1. Sarah, this is me hitting the 'like' button! Thank you for helping me to see and understand even more in these chapters!

  4. Wow... Patti and Sarah--I'm always so glad to read what you have to say! Thanks for sharing! This is two "likes"!
