Monday, August 4, 2014

Day 86, August 4, 2014

Read:  3 Nephi 27-28
Mark:  3 Nephi 27:19-20

"The most important of all the commandments of God is the one that you're having the most difficulty keeping...Today is the day for you to work...until you've been able to conquer that weakness.  Then you start on the next one that's most difficult for you to keep.  That's the way to sanctify yourselves by keeping the commandments of God." --President Harold B. Lee

To ponder:
What commandments are most difficult for you?  What are you doing to be more obedient?  Who can help you?


  1. I'm not sure what all I could say about these two chapters so as to not detract from the Spirit I have felt as reading through them and truly thinking about what it must have been like to have Christ there and asking, "What can I do for you? What is it that you want?" He talked to each of the twelve, he showed his concern for them, he loved them, and walked with them. I love that the 12 were united in mighty prayer and fasting. I need to follow this example. I love that the Savior says: "My joy is full because of you..." I can't even imagine hearing this from the Savior!

    I love the 3 Nephites and I feel like I have such a better understanding of their purpose.

    I also love today's quote by President Lee. What a great reminder! Start working on the commandment you are having the most difficulty with until you are able to conquer that commandment and then move on to the next. We don't have to do everything in one day, we just have to be striving to be better each day.

  2. Chapter 27: His church takes his name. If I want to live my life for him then I must set my life apart and do only things that can be done in his name.

    Endure to the end - nothing said about never erring or "winning" just get there! Do not get distracted by temporary concerns.

    Chapter 28: To desire to be with him is a wonderful desire - to desire to serve him as long as possible is best!

    Receive His words and you receive Him. Doubt or reject His words and you doubt and reject Him. Ignore His words and you ignore Him. Be careful how lightly you treat His words!

    I find being temperate and humble (in the form of non-judging and remembering I don't know everyone inside and out) to be the most difficult commandments to follow- and they are commandments. I am working on this by increasing spiritual experiences in my life (like prayer and scripture study) and praying specifically for His perspective on things - particularly on people- so I can be guided by truth and not just what I perceive as being true.

  3. There are so many amazing things about these chapters. Where do I even begin?!

    3 Nephi 27:7-9--We must do everything in Christ's name. It's through his name that we consecrate our actions and can receive heavenly aid. I really liked verse 16 tonight. I especially loved the words "endureth" and "guiltless". And I got to thinking that maybe the use of the word "guiltess" isn't so much about God seeing past our faults but of God helping US see past them. So WE don't feel guilty. I would love to have a blessing of guiltlessness! I fee guilty about everything, ha ha.

    3 Nephi 27:25 really struck me today. It is so important for us to write and keep records and then to learn from them and grow. Even if it's just a personal journal. I thought this was a good scripture to take even completely out of context. But I'm a bit of a writer, so I think I definitely pay more attention to these things.

    And verse 32--I can't even express everything I loved and thought about this verse.

    Chapter 28: I want to know more about the 3 Nephites! I think they are so cool. I wonder who they are and where they are and what they do on a day to day basis. Do they need sleep or food? I know they're out there somewhere

    I have so many great thoughts that I'd love to express, but I keep falling asleep here at the computer, so it's straight to bed for me!!
