Monday, May 12, 2014

Day 2, May 12, 2014

Read:  Brief Explanation, 1 Nephi 1-2
Mark:  1 Nephi 20

"The Lord's tender mercies are the very personal and individualized blessings, strength, protection, assurances, guidance, loving-kindnesses, consolation, support, and spiritual gifts which we receive from and because of and through the Lord Jesus Christ...The Lord's tender mercies do not occur randomly or merely by coincidence.  Faithfulness, obedience, and humility invite tender mercies into our lives, and it is often the Lord's timing that enables us to recognize and treasure these important blessings." --Elder David A. Bednar


  1. I finished today's reading before midnight! I have always loved the idea of Tender Mercies and love to reflect on the ways the Lord has blessed my life.

    1. Deborah, I just finished today's reading and I was thinking exactly the same thing! I love the idea of tender mercies, and it seems that these tender mercies "are over all...because of their faith." I love this!

    2. When I lived in Lexington I would go to the rich side of town and look at
      the beautiful homes, on one occasion I went on the evening of trash pick up and I found a complete living room set, couch, love seat, chair, coffee table and 2 end tables that had been set out. The only thing wrong with it was a tiny pen size hole in the arm of the chair. This
      was a blessing to me because I was in school and funds were tight.
      I am so thankful for the tender mercies of the Lord

  2. It's trivial, but every time I snag something off the curb on garbage day that I've been wanting for a long time, I consider it a tender mercy!

    1. Erin! It seems that we were all touched by the tender mercies in today's reading! It's so funny that you would mention snagging something off the curb on garbage day--last week I 'snagged' the best clay pots ever!

  3. As I read the scriptures this evening, I was so impressed by 1 Nephi 1:12: "And it came to pass that as he read, he was filled with the Spirit of the Lord." I want to be filled with this Spirit! :)

  4. My tender mercies are being able to still have my husband and children in my life and the missionaries and new Mormon friends and being so much closer to Heavenly Father, Jesus & the Holy Ghost!
    I read the testimony of Joseph Smith also. That is really powerful stuff!

    1. Jenny, thank you for sharing your tender mercies and reminding all of us of what is most important in our lives! Yes, this is powerful stuff!!!

  5. So, I have a degree in psychology and for the first time ever it occurred to me tonight while I was reading these chapters that Laman and Lemuel had legitimate concerns and cause for murmuring. I mean, if you think logically about it, it makes no sense to up and leave everything behind and travel into the wilderness. Feelings of grandeur and claims of visions and acting in direct order from God aren't uncommon with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. So I get it--I get that they would be concerned. But what I LOVE is Nephi--I'm sure he was a little worried, too, but instead of talking poorly of his father he took the matter to his HEAVENLY Father in prayer and received the answer that his father was indeed a prophet and that the words he spoke were true. I think it's important to realize that we don't need to blindly follow anyone--the church encourages each and every member on a daily basis to pray and know for ourselves what is right! Laman and Lemuel didn't have the faith to pray, so even though their concerns were legitimate, they became sinful essentially because of their pride. They thought they knew best and that their dad was crazy. They didn't even consider asking God. It made me think a lot tonight about how many people (myself included) think they know all the answers and never actually ask for that heavenly witness. There are so many issues and so much advice out there today that we need God's guidance more than ever to weed out the false prophesies from the true ones.

    1. Jenny, I'm so glad you are here! Thank you for sharing your thoughts. Isn't it amazing how each time we read the scriptures, we see and learn new things. I love your explanation and understanding of how Laman and Lemuel must have felt. I was also thinking that I was so proud of Nephi for finding out on his own and not just following his older brothers!

  6. Okay - I read Day 2's reading! Nephi was pretty darn faithful - as was Lehi. I find it hard to share a message of hope and happiness sometimes - and he was asked to share a message of destruction and repentance. He did to, he went and did the hard thing. I can do this easy thing! I can share living water and not let the people around me go thirsty.

    1. Sarah, sweet thoughts! In our RS lesson on Sunday, we talked about the main object of the Book of Mormon which is to help all to repent and to have faith (President Joseph Fielding Smith). Lehi was helping others to grow! :)
