Read: 2 Nephi 8-9
Mark: 2 Nephi 9:50-51
"Keeping everything in balance can be a real problem...Often the lack of clear direction and goals can waste away our time and energy and contribute to imbalance in our lives...Our main goal should be to seek "immortality and eternal life." With this as our goal, why not eliminate from our lives the things that clamor for and consume our thoughts, feelings, and energies without contributing to our reaching that goal?" --Elder M. Russell Ballard
To ponder:
How do you spend your time, money and energy?
Okay, so I had a really hard time reading 2 Nephi 8 and understanding even one word of Isaiah's teachings! I know there are wonderful books which have been written to understand the words of Isaiah and I need one of those books!!
ReplyDeleteI did love 2 Nephi 9 where Jacob shares so much of his testimony and teaches each one of us so many important things. I love his enthusiasm as he starts several scriptures out with "O how great..." There are at least 5 verses that start out this way and remind us that yes: O how great!
As I was reading verse 44, I could just see Jacob standing before his brethren and literally shaking off iniquities and inviting God to view him with an 'all-searching eye.' I love the visual of this!
I also have thought much about the question asked for today's study: How do I spend my time, money and energy? Am I truly spending it on the things of most worth? I know that I need to do as Jacob preaches in verses 51-21 and truly learn to feast upon those things which are most important.
Chapter 9 has some truly wonderful thins in it, including a scripture mastery (verses 28-29) that applies so well to a lot of people in the world today. So, we know it's important to learn and get an education, but we also know that we need to beware of pride and foolishness of setting aside the things of God! We need to remember to feed ourselves spiritually and foster our religious education, as well. I think this ties in a lot to verse 51, "do not spend money for that which is of no worth, nor your labor for that which cannot satisfy." It really makes me think about how I prioritize my time and energy. Is what I'm doing ETERNALLY productive? I mean, not every waking moment of our lives is spiritual, but overall is what I'm doing bringing me closer to God? So another scripture from this chapter I love is verse 39: "to be [S]piritually [M]inded [I]s [L]ife [E]ternal." Just remember to SMILE! I think by refocusing our vision to a more spiritual plane we can more easily avoid doing things that "cannot satisfy." We'll be less jealous and more loving; less spoiled and more grateful; and we'll be happier because we'll "feast upon that which perisheth not, neither can be corrupted, and [our souls will] delight in fatness." (2 Nephi 9:51) And what I love about this promise is what he says in verse 50, "Come, my brethren, every one that thirsteth, come ye to the waters; and he that hath no money, come and buy wine and milk without money and without price." It's free for every person! Money is probably my #1 stressor, so reading this really broughtthome a spirit of peace and overwhelming joy at the truth that God will always provide for me when I thirst. Words can't express my gratitude and love for this glorious message!
ReplyDeleteJenny, I love SMILE! Thank you for sharing these wonderful thoughts!
DeleteBeautifully put. Thank you for sharing.
DeleteI won't pretend to know what all of chapter eight talks about but I did get that I need to care a little less about what people may think and a lot not about the day I meet God. I need to show some faith and be a righteous person and share the gospel. Many people will listen and many will be curious enough to ask a question or two. Maybe the conversation will end in nothing but how important is that seed!?
ReplyDeleteI know I have some time eating habits that I need to take care of. I did stop playing games on Facebook that require several-times-a-day checks. I know there is more for me to work on. I've found that I can't just remove time wasters out though.I have to move something productive and fruitful in.
Nephi 9 seemed very black and white to me. Here's what happens to those who are righteous and here's what happens to those who are not. Elder Ballard's words and the question to ponder both encourage trimming off the fat in your life. Start with the meat of what's important in your life and then add on what's needed. Don't get caught up in drama, other people's business, and self indulgence. These only keep you further from the righteous path. You can't become closer to Heavenly Father if you have these things taking up time that could be spent helping someone in need, sharing the gospel or learning more like we are doing now.