Saturday, May 24, 2014

Day 14, May 24, 2014

Read:  2 Nephi 10-13
Mark:  2 Nephi 12:2-3

"I can visualize an army of righteous youth prepared and worthy to attend the temple.  I can see families sealed together for eternity.  I can see youth who understand what it means to be 'saviours...on mount Zion.' I can see youth whose hearts are turned to their fathers.  And I can envision youth growing up in such a way that they will come forth from the temples filled with strength to resist worldly pressures.  I can see a generation of youth who will ' holy places, and be not moved.' "-- Sister Elaine S. Dalton

To ponder
Why do you think Isaiah compares the temple to a mountain?


  1. I love 2 Nephi 10:21 "...cheer up your hearts, and remember that ye are free to act for yourselves"!! And I love Jacob's logic in the next chapter 11, verse 7. So it seems that we are going to be reading Isaiah for a bit longer! I'm trying to understand what Jacob wants us to know from the words and teachings of Isaiah. I understand that when he says "...when the mountain of the Lord's house" that he is referring to the temples, and in this instance probably the Salt Lake City temple. And I believe that when he says "come" in verses 3 and 5, that this is an invitation to come to the house of the Lord and learn of his teachings. I know that it is in our holy and sacred temples that eternal, sacred truths are taught and eternal ordinances are performed.

    Gary and I are in Southern Missouri through Tuesday evening visiting with my mom, my brother, his family, my aunts and a cousin, so if I'm not able to post 'as usual' please know that I am still reading and will look forward to reading all of your thoughts as I can!

  2. To answer the thought, mountains have always been used as temples when a temple or altar was not available. Moses spoke to God on the mountain, Nephi was told to get into the mountain, and so was Brigham Young, I think, when trying to receive revelation through the (long) construction of the Salt Lake temple. I think it's appropriate because it's a physical representation of being close to heaven, and mountains are so representative of God's majesty. Many temples are built upon the mountains and are beautiful beacons of purity and heaven's light.

    So, throughout the Isaiah chapters I keep seeing the phrase that "kings shall be their nursing fathers and queens their nursing mothers..." Does anyone know what this means? I've seen this three or more times now, so it's probably something important or meaningful.

    I really liked chapter 13 tonight. It's pretty straightforward and incredibly intense, but it was comforting to me. Verses 9-11 remind me that we all reap what we sow--evil for evil and good for good. Sometimes it seems like people making all the bad choices get rewards and that those making good choices are punished, but in the end Christ is the judge and he will be both merciful AND just. Also, the last verses in the chapter make me think a lot of the way women are portrayed in the world today--there is so much focus on outward beauty, but often these women are shallow, conceited, and care only about getting money for their beauty. There are not any good things prophesied for these women! It certainly has made me think about where my focuses really are. I don't have a very good body image for myself, but that's also a sin for me to focus a lot on that. I mean, these verses aren't saying that no one should look pretty or wear nice clothes, and it's not saying that you shouldn't have nice things or jewels. But I think it's a good reminder that it can be easy to get carried away and that we, as women, have an example to set to our daughters to focus on things of eternal beauty and splendor and to have appropriate attitudes and demeanors. We ARE daughters of God--we need to remember to act like it!

  3. I just have some brief thoughts from each chapter.
    10. We are free to choose life or death. Every choice leads towards one of those ends. Sounds over simplified but this is the truth of it. The way is straight and narrow. Only the right choices keep us on that path. WHEN we fall off (because we all have and will) recognize the error and repent. Hang not your head down!
    11. I have trouble with Isaiah and we have several chapters ahead of us. I will tell myself before each chapter that this is a friend who saw and understand the savior and is telling me about it! I will read and try to understand.
    12. To be taught by Christ go to the temple. That should shut up any inconvenience we perceive.
    13. There is nothing wrong with being rich but there is something wrong with keeping everything you have to yourself. No matter how little you have. Do not live beyond your means and remember those in need - then do something to help out!
    Nursing kings and queens refer to the gentiles bringing the gospel to Israel... Like thru Missionary work!

  4. A mountain is a glorious sight to see. It's appearance and size are reminders that we are just men in this world. That there are much bigger things that outshine and outlive us. For man to climb the mountain takes fortitude, strength and passion. The mountain can easily bring a man down with all of the challenges it presents in order to reach the top.
    The temple to me is very similar. It is like being in the next room from God. I've never Bern. I only imagine from others views that that is what it's like. Once you have proven yourself worthy then you can be in this spiritual holy place.
