Monday, May 26, 2014

Day 16, May 26, 2014

Read:  2 Nephi 19-23
Mark:  2 Nephi 21:12

"The Standard of Truth has been erected; no unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penetrated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done." --Joseph Smith

To ponder:
What part do you play in these prophecies?


  1. As I read this evening, I could not help but think that today's quote by Joseph Smith pretty much sums up all that is in these chapters! In chapters 19 and 20, we receive four evils/warnings: 1) pride, 2) errant leaders, 3) wickedness, 4) neglecting the poor and the needy. Thinking about what part I play in these prophecies seems quite obvious: I must be aware of each of these warnings and stay far away from the first three and be sure that I help the poor and the needy in any way possible.

    Each day on my way home from work, there is a homeless lady standing on the corner of West and South Streets. Each day I pass by her and try to completely ignore her so that I don't feel so guilty! This is horrible! I've often thought that I want to bring her a bag of healthy good food for her and her children. I have made a promise to myself to do just that! This week I will be handing her a full bag of food and no longer ignoring her. I know this is small, but it's a start.

    Did anyone else notice that the statement "for all his anger is not turned away, but his hand is stretched out still" is stated 4 times in chapters 19 and 20. To me this means, that although the Lord is unhappy with his people, his hand is still stretched forward inviting all to come until Christ. I can envision this month's Ensign with the statue of the Christus and the two little girls climbing up to him.

    I especially love Chapter 21, verse 9, where it says that "the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord." In this chapter, all the bad seems to be leaving and the good begins to start. And in verse 10, I think that the "root of Jesse" refers to the Prophet Joseph Smith! It says that he will stand as an ensign--I looked up the definition of ensign and found that it means a standard, and something to gather around. Love this!!!

    1. I couldn't have entered these thought better myself! I did notice the repeated statement, and it has also been in a couple of the other chapters we've read this past week. Maybe that's the reason these particular Isaiah chapters were included in the Book of Mormon--to give us continued hope that even when we falter God is still there to help us! And I need a LOT of help!!!

  2. Wow! What a powerful reminder of the 2nd coming. In Nephi 19 no matter the evil in which the people were part of, Heavenly Father continues to reach out to them. Heavenly Father is pretty black and white again. You have free agency. Just understand that there are serious consequences either way. Here is a reminder of those consequences!
    My part in these prophecies is to continue to strive to be missionaries for the church. To reach out as Heavenly Father does to those who have not ever heard the gospel as well as those who need reminders of our blessings when we live the life Heavenly Father has planned for us.

  3. Sometimes I think the second coming would be amazing to be alive for, but all the things leading up to it are truly scary! I must prepare myself either way. Its clear that the best way to prepare though is spiritually. Be humble, charitable, loving, hard working, obedient, repentant etc etc. When he comes he will not be denied. I need to already know where and be in my place before he comes. Otherwise it will hurt being put there! He says their faces are like fire. I wonder if that means red with shame of all that is exposed? May my hidden works be only good deeds!
    I hope I'm contributing to these prophecies by preparing and sharing both gain and gospel!
