Thursday, June 12, 2014

Day 33, June 12, 2014

Read:  Mosiah 18-20
Mark:  Mosiah 18:8-10

"We show by our behavior what we believe.  Surely we are standing as witnesses of God when we sustain his living prophets, especially when we know what it means to sustain.  We will abide by the direction and counsel of the prophets.  We indeed become witnesses when we make this solemn covenant." --Sister Janette Hales Beckham

To ponder:
What commitments are part of our baptismal covenant?  In what ways do you try to keep those commitments?


  1. Alma repents and then goes about teaching the people of King Noah quietly and in private. As I read this first chapter, I first thought, I wonder why Alma would do all of this in secret and not be out in the open? And then I realized that Alma wanted to preach the gospel to those who would listen and to do this he needed to do this in secret. In this way, the gospel could be taught to as many people as who would listen at this time. Alma preaches the gospel, teaches repentance and baptizes! And, then he sets out a pattern for the way that those individuals show live their lives! Nearly, the same pattern that we follow today.

    Wouldn't Mosiah 18:30 make a great hymn???

    I had to laugh out loud as I read Mosiah 19:10-12 and how the people of King Noah left their wives and children and ran to save themselves! Wow! That's all I'm saying about that!!! :)

    In Mosiah 20, the old saying "things aren't always as they seem" comes to mind. How often do we accuse someone of something without really knowing the background, or taking the time to find out? The Lamanites thought the people of Limhi had taken their daughters, and immediately set out to slay them; only to finally discover that this had not been the case. We can learn so much from this example!

    As I think about my baptismal covenant as I renew it each Sunday, I am reminded to take upon me the name of my Savior and to always keep the commandments! My co-workers know that I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, my neighbors know this, my family knows this--I have such an important responsibility to always live the gospel and be a witness for my Savior.

  2. So, I think that it's pitiful that King Noah would tell men to flee and leave their wives and children--what absolute cowards!!! And I love that for those who were brave enough to stay and protect their families with their lives their beautiful daughters were able to find mercy from their attackers. Women really are God's greatest and most influential children! But I'm a bit biased. ;)

    Patti, it's so true that things aren't always what they seem! The Lamanites broke their treaty with the Nephites because of what they assumed happened. What actually happened is much more disturbing and disgusting to me. Seriously? These "priests" laid and watched these girls dancing--men who had abandoned their own wives and children--and then sprang forward and kidnapped them. I hate to think what kinds of things these poor girls may have been forced to do against their will. It's absolutely sick. Yuck.

    Anyways, today's question is about our baptismal covenant and how I keep my commitment. Having gone through the Young Women's program I think of these scriptures quite a bit! I love the commitments lined out here--to bear one another's burdens, mourning together, comforting one another, and to stand as a witness of God at all times and in all things and in all places. That last one is probably the hardest! I think we all tend to think about ourselves and our own tiny family units and forget about other people. And to an extent, our families are most important. But when it comes to service I always try to lend a hand whenever I am asked to. I don't like to see people having a hard time. I love to comfort others. And I love to help someone when their burden is too heavy to bear alone. I keep my commitments when I think about Christ and how he would act. Then I try to be that way, too. I'm far from perfect, but it's a start!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Such a difference in what these two servants of the Lord were called to do. One was asked to boldly testify and go before so many who had already rejected him. He was offered a way out of chains but refused to falter. Then we have one who is called to preach secretly. People would come to him and hear what he has to say. So too are we called to different things. Some seem easier than others but alma and Abinadi Have boo worries in the eternities.
    I love that the people clap when they hear what they already desired with their hearts. And what amazing desires. They didn't just acknowledge that they want those things but they clapped! I desire that my desire to serve increases so that the next time I'm called to something I clap for joy and with thanksgiving for being given a formal opportunity to serve the Lord through his children.
